Despite falling sales, wine guides have not said their last word

There is the literary comeback for novels, and then there is the one, a little more confidential, which takes place halfway between the cellars, the shelves of bookstores and the shelves of supermarkets, currently bustling with fairs. to wines (be careful, alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation). Three major players share the wine guide market with, in order of sales, the Hachette guide (25,000 copies), that published by La Revue du vin de France (17,500 copies) and finally the Bettane & Desseauve (B&D , 7,000 copies).

Sales that are far from confidential and which many publishers would be satisfied with, but which are slowly eroding, knowing that Hachette peaked for example at 70,000 copies in 2008. “An erosion which is accompanied by a drop in consumption of wine in our country, which went from 100 liters per inhabitant in 1975 to 40 liters today,” underlines Stéphane Rosa, editor of the Hachette guide.

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