The artist Antonio López and the son of the sculptor Chillida will participate in the XXI edition of EncuentroMadrid 2024

The artist Antonio Lopez the son of the sculptor Eduardo Chillida, Pedro Chillida Belzunce and the philosophers Gregorio Luri and Fabrice Hadjad will be some of the speakers at the XXI edition of MeetingMadrid 2024organized by people linked to the Catholic movement of Communion and Liberation, which will be held from October 25 to 27 at the Espacio Mirador de Cuatro Vientos, in Madrid.

‘I am still alive and I believe that the fabric of life is beautiful’ is the motto under which more than a dozen round tables, dialogues and conferences will be held. The phrase comes from the autobiography of the Japanese radiologist, survivor of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Takashi Nagai, who converted to Catholicism, according to the organizers in a statement.

“This edition we have an exceptional lineup, since through the experience of Takashi Nagai, meetings with top-level speakers are organized. We are not interested in simply launching a ‘do-gooder’ slogan, but in really understanding why it is worth living, and if it makes sense to affirm that ‘the plot of life is beautiful’,” explained EncuentroMadrid’s communications manager, María Serrano.

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Eduardo Chillida, EncuentroMadrid will also host, in collaboration with the homonymous foundation, a round table in which the artist Antonio López and Pedro Chillida Belzunce, son of the sculptor, will participate, who will talk about the perception and universal capacity of observation that Eduardo Chillida had to share his work from a “beautiful and explainable madness.”

Besides, During that weekend, two exhibitions will also be presented and a tribute concert to Bruce Springsteen will take place with the E Street Band. Juan Monsalve, the group’s lead vocalist, made headlines after The Boss gave him his harmonica during his concert in Madrid in June 2024.

The day will close with the theatrical performance of ‘The Journey of the Fierce Monster’ by the actor and playwright Rafael Álvarez ‘El Brujo’, whose creative method consists of locking himself in with his authors, studying them until he reaches their essence. As he explains, that is where true respect for the classics lies, in “capturing their spirit and knowing how to transmit it.”

Furthermore, on Sunday, October 27, the Ukrainian War will be present at the meeting, more than two and a half years after its start, “through those who have experienced first-hand the horror and uprooting.”

As for the poster for this edition, the person in charge was the artist Marta Arespacochaga who, as she explains, was clear “that it had to be a faithful reflection of the motto: the plot of life is precious.” “Plot turns out to be one of those concepts whose physical reality exactly represents its meaning. That gave me the key to creating the poster image: building a real plot. On a hand loom I created a framework from plant fibers of different origin placed on artisanal paper.”he pointed out.

EncuentroMadrid was born in 2003 from the Christian experience of people linked to the Catholic movement of Communion and Liberation. During its three days, this event aims to create spaces for dialogue between people of different cultures, traditions and faiths, through exhibitions, concerts, a children’s area, shows, round tables and conferences.

By Editor

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