Practicing yoga supports hormone balance by reducing stress, stimulating the thyroid gland, and improving blood flow to the reproductive organs through certain specific poses.
Practicing yoga is good for mood and maintains bone health. Certain postures can also have a positive impact on the endocrine system, supporting hormone regulation. This is good for women with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hormone imbalance.
Reduce stress
Chronic stress can cause hormone imbalance. Yoga focuses on breathing and mindfulness, reducing stress by activating the body’s relaxation. Poses such as child’s pose and savasana are effective in promoting deep relaxation.
Baby pose contributes to calming the brain. Start by kneeling on the floor, feet together, butt sitting on your heels. Exhale and bend forward, forehead touching the floor, upper body between thighs. Arms extended along the sides, palms facing down. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute.
Savasana is the final pose after performing a series of long and physically demanding yoga exercises. To do this, the practitioner lies back on the floor, relaxing the entire body. Eyes closed, legs stretched straight and arms hanging naturally. Inhale, then exhale gently.
Balances the thyroid
Thyroid problems are a common cause of hormonal imbalance. Yoga poses can stimulate and support thyroid regulation, typically the bridge pose. Start lying on your back with your knees bent, maintaining a shoulder-width distance between your feet on the mat. Place your hands next to your hips, inhale using your feet and head as fulcrum, gently lift your hips off the mat. Maintain that position for 5 long breaths, relaxing your body.
Control symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome
For women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), yoga can be beneficial in many ways. Poses that favor relaxation in the lower abdomen support the ovaries and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Supports hip opening
Hormones are influenced by the adrenal glands, and hip-opening poses like butterfly pose can target these areas. It also releases tension in the hips, promoting better blood circulation.
Butterfly yoga pose is easy to do. Practitioners just need to sit on the floor, back straight and relax. Pull your heels together, bringing the soles of your feet together first. Two hands grasp the feet and gently pull them to the floor. Breathe gently, hold this position for 1-2 minutes.
Improve blood circulation
Yoga encourages regular blood flow, which is important for the distribution of hormones throughout the body. Postures such as putting your feet up on the wall help increase circulation and support hormones in middle age.
The practitioner lies on his back on the mat, puts his feet up on the wall so that his heels point towards the ceiling and his knees are slightly bent. Adjust your body position to feel comfortable and your back is supported. Relax your whole body, breathe deeply and regularly for 5-10 minutes. Slowly lower your legs, rest before standing up.