“Iran behaved rationally”: the BBC is causing a stir again
The Iranian attack on Israel last night (Tuesday) was widely covered in the world media and was even covered live on all major American broadcast networks. As expected, the attack was also covered by the British media corporation BBC – who throughout the war was repeatedly criticized for his biased coverage, which is characterized by anti-Israeli messages. This time too, after the unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel, the British corporation stood out in a negative way – when it gave a platform to the voices that blame Israel for the incident.”The international community needs to make sure that everything Israel does does not violate the regional order as we know it,” said one of the network commentators BBC Yesterday evening the attack. “It’s been 12 months in which red lines have been crossed, mainly by the Israelis, while Iran behaved relatively rationally, and tried to be careful in how it reacted.”

As expected, the remarks provoked echoes of criticism among Britons who resented the biased coverage. “the-BBC He is the enemy of the British people,” he wrote on the social network X (former Twitter) Jewish screenwriter Lee Kern. “They are a mouthpiece for Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups and jihadist regimes that attacked British soil and vowed to destroy the West,” continued Kern, who wrote “Who Is America” ​​and “Borat 2” starring Sacha Baron Cohen.


“Isn’t it amazing? If it was only possible to allow the mullahs from Tehran to fire ballistic missiles without interference then the status quo in the region could be maintained…”, added the British writer Douglas Murray in the account of theX his. “The British media has become a cesspool of misinformation and propaganda that supports Islamists.”

During the hours that have passed since the attack, the channel also conducted an interview with Professor Mohammad Morandi, an expert in English literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran. In the interview, Morandi claimed that the chance of escalation in the region “depends on the Israeli regime”, which he claims led to escalation by murdering an Iranian senior official. The interviewer did not challenge the interviewee’s words.

“This interview is so appalling that I had to publish the whole thing,” British political broadcaster Lee Harris shared on the accountX his. “This vile ‘Professor’ spewed the most disgusting anti-Semitism I’ve ever seen on national television without interruption, and theBBC I hardly challenged him for that.”

The journalist Julia Hartley Brewer also responded to the things on the TV program “Talk”. “The readiness of many of my letters and submissions BBC To give an uncritical platform to guests who are demonstrably anti-Semitic (…) to accept everything a terrorist organization says as the absolute truth while challenging every claim made by Israel’s supporters, even when it is backed by evidence and facts,” said the journalist angrily, “when everything Israel does is called ‘revenge’ ‘ or ‘war crime’ while treating terrorists as the victims who are only reacting to oppression. It’s beyond parody, it’s beyond national embarrassment, it’s a source of national shame,” she concluded.

Earlier this week, the network’s former television director, Danny Cohen, published a report in which he accuses the Authority of publishing “false claims” and of distinctly anti-Israeli coverage of the war. Cohen accused theBBC Publishing “false and harmful claims regarding Israel’s conduct in this war”, as well as producing “misleading broadcasts” alongside similar information on social networks. In addition, the report added that while errors can occur from time to time in reports – according to him, “the errors are almost always in an anti-Israel direction. It will not be possible to compile a similar record of anti-Palestinian errors.”

By Editor

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