Crisis at Suhrkamp: The legendary German book publisher is in distress

According to SZ information, the legendary publisher is in a severe crisis – financially and programmatically. Now co-partner Dirk Möhrle is supposed to get the house, which shaped an entire culture in Germany, on track as the sole owner.

The mail would have arrived in these weeks. Simple cover, short text: Suhrkamp Verlag invites you to a criticism reception at Klettenbergstrasse 35 in Frankfurt am Main. The book fair always started with this meeting in the villa of Siegfried and Ulla Unseld. For historical reasons, the German cultural landscape is divided into many provinces and medium-sized cities; universities and urban centers do not have much to do with each other. Only on this evening in October do book people and critics come together to pay homage to the spirit of Suhrkamp, ​​look into the future together and have a drink.

By Editor