Schlein: "One million and 300 thousand signatures, there is an interest from the country. Now the real challenge is to bring Italy to the vote"

“Do not ease the tension, but keep the spotlight on this great challenge”. The secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein thus dictates the opposition line from the stage of the national assembly of the referendum committee against autonomy calling for mobilization “to stop a reform that splits the country in two which instead needs to be mended in its fractures and wounds”.

“The vision of the country is at stake, and we do not resign ourselves to the idea of ​​an Italy in which a person’s destiny is written in the place or family where he is born or grows up, in full violation of art. 3 of the Constitution”, observes the secretary who then focuses on the committee that works to identify the Lep, guilty of “working to take socio-demographic indicators into consideration, which translated exactly means photographing the existing inequalities and crystallising them forever”. “This autonomy risks being the coup de grâce for public health and proof of the desire for creeping privatization that this right carries out, not out of sloppiness or inattention, but because it has a plan: it wants healthcare that is tailored to people’s wallets”, underlines Schlein.

Then the leader of the Democratic Party reserves a parenthesis for the chats published in the press regarding the election, scheduled for Tuesday, of new judge of the Constitutional Court: “To be clear, we will not accept any type of blitz on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, and it is very serious just to have learned about it from the press. This proprietary conception of the highest institutions of the Republic – he insists – must end and must see us all mobilized in defense of democratic guarantees”.

Schlein then recalls the 2011 referendums on common goods, for public water and against nuclear power: “Already on that occasion we demonstrated that it is not true that citizens have lost interest in public affairs”.Finally, he concludes, attacking the government and majority on the premiership: “Brothers of Italy bow to the ancient secessionist plan of the League for a cynical barter with the constitutional reform on the premiered which we must mobilize because it is dangerous.”

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