In 100 g of field crab with shell and bib removed, there are 74.4 g water, 12.3 g protein, 3.3 g lipid, 2 g glucid; rich in vitamins and mineral salts, calcium. This is a nutritious, delicious dish that can be prepared in many ways.

However, crabs are salty, have a fishy smell, and are cold. Crabs live in ravines, canals, and field edges, so they can contain many worms, leeches, and worms that can cause disease in humans.

Welded gay crab, not good for pregnant women. People with allergies should also be careful to avoid helminth infections, which can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. When you are sick, have diarrhea, digestive disease, poor digestion… you should not eat.

Pregnant women should avoid eating crab. Image: Bui Thuy

When eating crab, you should clean it, especially the crab shell. Absolutely do not drink raw crab juice or eat raw crab. You can add a little salt to the crab, put it in the pot and shake it vigorously, then wash off the dirt on the crab’s body, separate the bib, and scoop out the yellow bricks to set aside. Wash the crab body and drain. Field crab cooked with spinach, spinach, water spinach…

You should eat live crabs, male or female depending on your preference. Choose crabs that do not have a bad smell, have enough claws, enough legs, and are strong. You should not choose a crab that is too big or too small. You can eat crab with perilla leaves and ginger to reduce coldness.

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