Artificial intelligence, virtual reality and all the challenges of big-tech in the new edition

Artificial intelligence and virtual reality between the digital economy, the new trends of the big-tech world and the challenges of the most innovative startups. These are the big themes at the center of the Third Edition of the AI&VR FESTIVAL Multiverse Worldthe festival dedicated to the world of the Metaverse and the entire universe of digital communication, bringing together again this year, after the great success of past editions, the excellence of young Italian innovators in a precious opportunity for meeting and discussion. An event that collects the legacy of the Metaverse Festival, becoming today “Multiverse”, also evolving exactly like new technologies in an even more avant-garde process.

The third edition of the AI&VR FESTIVAL multiverse world was presented yesterday in Turin, in the prestigious Sala delle Colonne of the Palazzo del Comune, in the presence and with the participation of representatives of the institutional, digital and cultural world of the local and national panorama, such as Gabriele Ferrieri President of ANGI – National Association of Young Innovators; Chiara Foglietta Councilor of the Municipality of Turin; Anna Cavallo Director of Digital Transformation CSI Piemonte; Stefano Boni, Heritage Manager of the National Cinema Museum, Giovanni Balletta co-founder of BAIFF – Burano Artificial Intelligence Film Festival and Hanna Rudak Artistic Director and co-founder of BAIFF.

The complete program was presented during the press conference of the new edition of the AI&VR FESTIVAL Multiverse World which will take place on Monday 21 October (with a private opening ceremony) and Tuesday 22 October at the National Cinema Museum in Turin. An important initiative linked to the world of young people and the crucial role of the digital economy and social networks like never before this year, involving all the major players in the big-tech world, startups and opinion leaders to illustrate, discuss and launch ideas for reflection on all the new trends in the world of technology, between artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

The event is organized by ANGI – National Association of Young Innovatorsa point of reference in Italy and in the world for the innovation sector developed in all its forms.

We are happy to return to Turin which has always been a source of pride for the digital economy in Italy. I would particularly like to thank all the institutions that were keen to promote and support the initiative, starting with the Municipality of Turin and the Piedmont Region and the National Cinema Museum for their hospitality. We have brought together some of the most important exponents of the institutional, academic and large corporate world to reflect, compare and highlight together the hottest media trends in artificial intelligence and augmented realityexplains Gabriele Ferrieri President of ANGI – National Association of Young Innovators.

A precious opportunity to also share the work of our Observatory on the state of AI and VR in Italy, thanks also to direct experiences in the world of virtual reality with the support of the immersive sets that will be set up during the days of the Festival in collaboration with RAI Cinema and Meta” continues Ferrieri, also recalling the important role of the Italian market which can find investments and growth opportunities in the technological challenge, making an appeal to the institutions and the Meloni Government “to further strengthen the incentives for the development and ecosystem of innovative start-ups with a systemic vision in which as young innovators and as a point of reference for innovation for years in Italy we have tried to give to win the challenge of young people generations“.

“Turin has always had its eyes open to the future. This is also demonstrated by the presence of our city among the finalists of the award which will designate the ‘European Capital of Innovation’, recognizing its cutting-edge role in the adoption of innovative solutions that improve the quality of people’s lives.” comments Chiara Foglietta, Councilor for Innovation and Digital Transition of the City of Turin. The AI&VR FESTIVAL Multiverse World and the many other events hosted every autumn in the city represent an unmissable opportunity for knowledge and discussion on the role and potential of emerging technologies, their use and the impact they have and can have on our lives“.

Per Anna Cavallo, Director of Digital Transformation CSI PiedmontThe Festival represents an important opportunity to raise awareness of the artificial intelligence projects we are developing for the Public Administration, mainly focused on three areas: intelligent process automation, conversational digital assistants and data insight and predictive analysis solutions. In particular, during the event, in the exhibition area, participants will be able to interact with Camilla, the virtual assistant based on generative artificial intelligence, created by CSI, which will support citizens in the use of digital services and make it easier their relationship with the Public Administration. A concrete example of a tool at the service of people, capable of simplifying access to public services and improving the quality of life of citizens”.

The initiative was born with its first edition last October 2022 and that boasts the collaboration of the Offices of the European Parliament in Italy and the patronage of the Representation of the European Commission in Italy, the Piedmont Region, the Municipality of Turin, the ENEA Agency, the AGID, the CNR, the Italian Institute of Technology, Anitec Assinform, of Anica – Unione Creators Digitali, of Assintel Confcommercio and of AIDP.

This year’s edition also sees Rai Cinema as the Main Cultural Partner and the membership and support of other important local players, including the Fondazione Compagnia di Sanpaolo, the CSI Piemonte and the Olivetti Historical Archive.

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