Banner fined "Stop bombing Gaza". The case reaches parliament

“On the episode that occurred in recent days at the Desio market, in the province of Monza and Brianza, where a beekeeper had displayed a banner on his honey stand with the writing ‘stop bombing Gaza stop genocide’, to the refusal to remove it banner was fined 430 euros by the Carabinieri for ‘unauthorized political propaganda’, we ask ministers Piantedosi and Crosetto for clarity”. Nicola Fratoianni, member of Avs, asks this with a parliamentary question to the government.


“The initiative of the Carabinieri of Desio appears detrimental – we read in the question – to freedom of expression since an appeal to cease fire, expressed in an absolutely peaceful way, cannot be assimilated to ‘unauthorized political propaganda’ and a message to be censored and removed. And the request from the police to remove the banner posted by the beekeeper therefore appears entirely discretionary and aimed at censor and prevent a peaceful form and legitimate solidarity with the victims of a terrible conflict”. “We really don’t understand the reasons given to justify such a measure. We want to know at this point from Crosetto and Piantedosi whether there are precise instructions given to the police to remove any writing, banner and poster that recalls the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict regardless of its actual content, as happened with this banner calling for a ceasefire in Gaza Furthermore – concludes Fratoianni – we want to know what initiatives the ministries concerned will take to guarantee the free exercise of freedom of expression exercised through peaceful and legitimate forms and methods. Freedom of expression that the behavior adopted by the Desio carabinieri seems to compress if not prevent”.



“The fine reports, in fact, the violation of article 23 of the highway code which regulates the display of signs, signs, posters that obstruct traffic or road signs or that contain racist, discriminatory, offensive, racist or sexist messages But none of these circumstances concern the banner displayed by Borella because it was facing inside the market, therefore not towards car traffic, and because it contained a clear message of peace and non-violence. For these reasons I submitted a question to Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi”. This was said by Democratic Party MP Laura Boldrini, president of the Chamber Permanent Committee on Human Rights in the World.


“This episode is part of a broader context of repression of dissent in Italy, with recent cases of intimidation against individuals who express support for the Palestinian cause. This is an absurd episode on which I presented a question to Minister Piantedosi. repression of free expression cannot have any place in our country, and if the Minister of the Interior does not express his opinion on this incredible case he will – evidently – become an accomplice”. Thus the M5S deputy Stefania Ascari.


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