Klasić: We sent 150 soldiers to Afghanistan in 2013, and now two in Germany are a problem

Vice President of the Defense Committee Ante Deur said in the show “In the network of the First” that President Zoran Milanović he misrepresented the meaning of the mission to NSATU and explained that HDZ left yesterday’s session because of the way Arsen Bauk handled it all. He says that he should have been invited by the head of the GS OSRH Tihomir Kundid.

– He was the authority who was supposed to clarify what Zoran Milanović he lies and misrepresents to the Croatian public – he says and emphasizes that the two soldiers who were supposed to go to Wiesbaden would not go to Ukraine, but rather would be logistical support.

– As a member of NATO, we signed it. Yesterday is an indication that the Defense Committee itself was led by Orsat Miljeni, and Arsen Bauk, according to what we have seen, is not the chairman of the committee – he said.

Bauk replied that he still did not understand why they left the session when the opposition agreed with 12 out of 13 Government decisions. He said that the session would have had its usual course if something had not happened that is still not clear to him.

– There was a high degree of agreement about 12 out of 13 Government decisions. It would turn out that if we had voted in the end, the opposition would have voted for the Government’s proposals, and no one from the Government had been present – he said.

He repeats that the Chief of the General Staff is not invited to the sessions of the Defense Committee on the points proposed by the Government, but that it is usual for him to come as part of the MOD delegation for certain points.

– According to announcements from the MOD, he was announced yesterday. If he had come to the session, he would have received the floorč as the minister asked him to do and he would answer the questions – he continued.

– Regarding the participation of the PRH Office, more For many years, even before my mandate, representatives of the PRH Office were invited to board meetings. As a rule, they do not respond, except for those points in which the opinion, consent and proposal of the PRH are sought. There were 13 of the 14 wheels and they decided to come this time – adds Bauk.

Klasić: For the first time, a circus was created around Ukraine for the purpose of the campaign

– This is the first time the Defense Committee and HV have been politicized. After 20 years of parliamentary democracy, this is the first time that he has created a circus around Ukraine for the purpose of an election campaign – said čboard member Darko Klasić.

– I would deny my colleague Bauk. In the last convocation, I was a member of the Defense Committee, and unlike him, I was present at 90 percent of the sessions. At no session has the session started before the agenda has been adopted. It is not understood that, if it is in the invitation, it is automatically adopted, he said.

– As for the head of the GS OSRH. In čl. 16, paragraph 16 of the Law on Defense, it is clearly defined in what the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces participates in. He should introduce us to all important decisions concerning the army, he continued.

– We used to be the opposition. For things like this, which are internationally important for Croatia, there was never any opposition or government, this time we see that it is being used for daily political purposes to the detriment of the reputation of the Republic of Croatia, he added and reminded that Croatia sent 150 soldiers to active war zone, and that now the problem is to send up to five of them to an allied country – Germany.

– With membership in the EU and NATO, we assumed some obligations and rights. It was not a problem when we sent them to Afghanistan in 2013, we sent 150 people to the war zone, one reporter was killed. That was not problematic, a policy was conducted in 2011 and 2015, especially from the PRH Office. Let’s not forget that in 2015, the president sent a plane with the wounded during the annexation of Crimea to pick up soldiers who were dying in the Republic of Croatia, he emphasized.

– He claims that today Ukraine is a highly corrupt country, then we sent MiG-21s to Ukraine for overhaul, even though the head of that company was arrested the next day, because the company never did an overhaul, he concluded.

Grmoja: We didn’t have this kind of conflict

Nikola Grmoja of Most emphasized that there is a danger of the outbreak of the Third World War. They say that we have not had this kind of war conflict and this kind of threat of escalation where we are facing the Third World War, and some more. they claim that we are moreć in it, Grmoja said and said that we can’t complain about what Milanovi did.

– It is true that we sent MiG-21s to Ukraine for overhaul and that they returned in carriages. There was practically no overhaul there. Is it true that Milanović could have opened this question earlier. The PRH Office said: “If he had opposed it there, a decision could not have been made, and this way every country is left with the opportunity to decide”, he said.

– Why Milanović immediately after Washington did not immediately say that he was against this, to open a public debate. Why Plenkovć to the question of Mira Bulja, when she asks him if Croatia will be more directly involved in this conflict, Plenković he replies that it’s nonsense, he doesn’t open this story and explain what it’s about? No, there is no discussion, they are doing something under the table, while the Milanosć he didn’t say “stop”, Grmoja wondered.

– Our position is clear. The head of GS OSRH does not need to come to explain why NSATU is good. I asked yesterday at the board. You are selling us a part of the profession. The escalation or de-escalation of the war in the Middle East depends on the American elections. Operations agree on how they will be affected. We have clearly said how we will vote. We are not for deeper meddling in this war, he said.

– Croatia exposed itself sufficiently, provided huge amounts of humanitarian and military aid. It is quite clear that there will be no end to the conflict without an agreement, he added.


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