How to create amazing images with Google Gemini artificial intelligence

With the launch of ChatGPT by Open AI, technology companies began the race in the field of artificial intelligence to establish themselves as leaders in this sector.

In this context, Google introduced Gemini, a multimodal and generative artificial intelligence chatbot based on the Gemini Pro family. It was launched in a limited way in March 2023.

This technology allows direct access to Google AI, offering tools to write, plan, learn and perform various tasks. Additionally, Gemini continues to innovate with features such as creating amazing images using artificial intelligence.

Gemini can receive visual or auditory information (music notes, images, words) and from there generate its own content, which in turn can be in text, audio or image version. To create the latter, the following steps must be followed.

For example, if you want to see a dog on a surfboard, you just have to write: “Create an image of a dog on a surfboard.”

In addition to creating images with its Artificial Intelligence, Google Gemini can perform other tasks.

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