Expressiveness is a permanent trait and is beneficial in interactions

The viewer is pleased when the emotions are visible on the face.

Expressionless faces may be useful when playing poker, but we tend to like expressive people.

Published by Scientific Reports research says that expressiveness is a permanent feature.

The researchers collected material from the video calls of 52 people and gave the material to artificial intelligence. The AI ​​was able to tell that some of the test subjects were consistently more expressive than others in different situations.

In the second phase, the same subjects were given the task of convincing another person.

Video viewers found those classified as expressive, those who showed their emotions through crying and laughter, and whose facial expressions were easy to interpret, to be more pleasant.

In addition, observers believed that expressive people were more successful in tasks where they had to negotiate with another person.

In another in the study, the team was able to repeat the findings with a group of more than 1,300 test subjects. It also turned out that expressiveness is connected to some personality traits.

Of the so-called big five traits, expressiveness was combined with agreeableness, extroversion and neuroticism.

Researchers think that expressive faces can have many advantages in social relationships.

Expressive partners are easier to predict for others and it is easier to respond to their intentions in an appropriate way.

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