Amit Soussana at the UN debate: “I was sexually assaulted”
Amit Soussana, a survivor of captivity, spoke this evening (Wednesday) at the UN and implored the representatives of the countries present in the hall: “It is your responsibility to protect human rights, the world is watching and waiting for the UN Security Council to fulfill its mandate.” The POW survivor also described how she was brutally sexually assaulted: “The terrorist forced me to take a shower and came in after me, he had the monstrous look of a predatory animal.”Soussana, who was kidnapped on October 7 by Hamas terrorists and released from captivity after 55 days, told the UN that she was kept separately from the other abductees. “I was alone, chained by the ankles with a metal chain. I couldn’t move and had to ask permission to go to the bathroom,” she said.”I was sexually assaulted by a Hamas terrorist who was guarding me,” the POW survivor bravely shared. “He forced me to go to the shower, where he followed me in while pointing his gun at me. He was breathing heavily and his gaze was monstrous like that of a prey animal. I knew exactly what he was planning to do and yet there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I had no one May he comfort me and I had to ‘behave nicely’ to the one who had just sexually assaulted me in the most horrifying way.”

Soussana went on to say that a few days after she was brutally attacked by the abominable terrorist, she was moved to a new place, where she was guarded by other terrorists. “Despite the fear, I felt lucky that at least I was no longer with the terrorist who sexually assaulted me, because I knew that if I had stayed with him he would have done it again. In the new place they tortured me, hung me upside down and beat and humiliated me, at any given moment I was afraid for my life,” she told

“We, the abductees, promised each other – if one of us is released, we will never stop fighting until everyone is free. Today, I keep that promise by telling my story, no matter how painful and difficult it is for me to speak and relive what I went through there “, she added. “As hard as it is to speak, it’s much harder to remain silent. I can’t remain silent either because of the overwhelming silence and even the denial of the horrors that happened and continue to happen to all the abductees who are still being held in Gaza for 383 terrible days.”

The captivity survivor appealed to representatives from around the world, who listened to her: “I am begging you to fulfill your duty. To take immediate action to ensure the release of those still in captivity. Every day that passes hurts them more and more mentally and endangers their lives. Act now, before it is too late. Do not turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against innocent citizens, it is your responsibility to fight terrorism and prosecute those responsible for these heinous crimes.

By Editor

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