“For young people, looking for a job is a war”: in Seine-Saint-Denis, recruiters at the foot of the towers

“I submitted my CV. If all goes well, they will contact me again to start electrical training on November 28,” hopes a teenager, almost 18 years old. His CV, submitted on October 15 at the stand of the Synergie insertion temporary agency, at the Jean-Jaurès du Blanc-Mesnil home for all, mentions a short two-month experience in moving and an abandoned management school.

“It’s hard, as a young person out of school, to find a rhythm again,” admits this resident of Dugny. I can’t go to school, like many young people in the cities. We try to get by… as best we can. » He will have to leave his footballing dream on hold. “It’s the dream of all the young people here,” remarks the boy, who came to Blanc-Mesnil with an educator.

Fayçal is responsible for social and professional integration for the SFMAD association. He accompanied two other young people from Dugny to the “The Company at Your Feet” operation, organized by the local mission of the Paris Terres d’envol region. This system, inaugurated last June, involves recruiting recruiters and training organizations at the foot of buildings in priority areas of the city to meet young people who have dropped out of school and offer them job offers and training.


“As soon as I can get a young person off the street, I have won the World Cup,” says Faisal. For young people, looking for a job is a war. There, these are the companies that come to a working-class neighborhood, so that breaks the codes. The bosses know their problems more or less. »

“Young people do not come naturally to structures”

Various partners of the local mission traveled to the Blanc-Mesnil district: among others, Unis Cité (civic service), Parisian Trainers (BTP), Inhni (hygiene and cleanliness), Synergie insertion, Profession sport et leisure, RAS interim, Alliance Vie (home help), Drop insertion and the Digital Gardens. They welcomed around 70 people that Tuesday.

“We offer a package of offers that is not too far from Seine-Saint-Denis,” explains Didier Dubois, project manager of the business department at the local mission. We come in the spirit of the heart of the neighborhoods, to be in contact with people who do not dare to move because they are hampered. Young people do not naturally come to structures. The idea is to bring businesses into their familiar environment. »


A resident of Bobigny has just submitted her CV to RAS interim. “They offered me a job for La Poste, I would like that,” says the forty-year-old currently training at Astrolabe. Fatima, who is studying in the same center, has not found what she is looking for: “I am looking for a job as a caregiver but they only offer help at home,” she laments.

“Good training is training that leads to employment”

For some, the main concern lies in mastering the language. “Do you have to speak French? » asks Nishanthan, at the Parisian Trainers stand. This resident of Neuilly-sur-Marne is originally from Sri Lanka.

He worked in a grocery store and wants better pay in construction. “We have a real role, we are not just a training center,” emphasizes Jonathan Colon, sales manager. Good training is training that leads to employment. »

“The organizations present often collaborate with local businesses to create internship, apprenticeship and placement opportunities, thus facilitating a smoother transition to employment,” explains Grégory Chavaroc, president of the local Paris Terres d’Envol mission. Their intervention is therefore an important lever for integration, contributing not only to training, but also to the personal development and social integration of young people. »

The partners of the “The Company at Your Feet” system have planned to travel to eleven districts of Dugny, Drancy, Blanc-Mesnil and Bourget. The next meetings are planned at Le Bourget, on October 30 at the Gai-Logis residence, and on November 19, again in Blanc-Mesnil, at the Chemin-Notre-Dame neighborhood center.

Information from the local mission: at or in one of its branches in Drancy, Dugny, Blanc-Mesnil and Bourget.

By Editor

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