Hair loss is a condition in which hair falls out more than 100 strands per day and the rate of hair growth is slower than shedding, leading to thin and sparse hair in a short period of time. This condition occurs in all ages, but is more common in children.
Children with common stages of hair loss from 3 to 6 months of age often experience hair loss around the neck (back of the neck and sides of the head) due to lying down or lack of nutrients. Older children often have total hair loss (thin hair on the whole head) and patchy alopecia (many bald spots under a few centimeters in size). In more severe cases, all hair on the body can be lost.
There are many causes of hair loss in children such as lack of nutrients, malnutrition, scalp fungus or stress. This can also be a sign of more serious problems such as hair pulling addiction, hair eating (psychological disorder), thyroid disease, sinusitis… There are cases where children have autoimmune diseases that affect the immune system. mistakenly attacks hair follicles, leading to hair loss and preventing hair regrowth.
In some cases, hair grows back on its own according to the hair growth cycle without needing treatment, such as alopecia areata. However, most cases are not detected and treated promptly, and incorrect treatment causes irreversible damage to hair follicles, leading to permanent baldness.
It’s not clear what kind of hair growth essential oil he plans to use for his baby, so the doctor can’t give detailed advice. However, some methods may not be suitable for everyone. You should be cautious because all products have the potential to cause allergic reactions and complications, especially when the product has unknown ingredients, origin, and it is unclear which ingredients your baby is allergic to. this product or not.
You should take your child to a hospital with a dermatology specialist so that the doctor can evaluate the condition and find the cause of hair loss in the child. Depending on the cause, doctors have different treatments and effectiveness. If the child lacks nutrients or is malnourished, treatment focuses on supplementing the child with vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc, iron, and biotin to stimulate hair growth.
If a child loses hair due to illness, in addition to treating the underlying disease, doctors will develop an appropriate hair loss treatment regimen. In some cases, hair will grow back after the original disease is cured or stably controlled. Hair loss due to autoimmune diseases is the most difficult and complex to treat. The response depends on each patient. The patient may become permanently bald. The hair loss treatment process takes a lot of time and is not the same for each person. Therefore, patients need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and may have to try many methods or combine many methods to be effective.
Current popular and effective hair loss treatment methods are oral, topical, and spray; Supplement vitamins and minerals to stimulate hair growth; using low-energy lasers, hair growth stimulation injections or autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Parents need to care for their children according to the doctor’s instructions such as using shampoo suitable for their skin, not combing or going to bed with wet hair, and not tying hair too tightly.
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