Monkey bone plant (convolvulus plant) is a herb that often grows in plains and wet areas. According to oriental medicine, this plant has a bitter taste, cool properties, detoxifying effects, anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief, and digestive support.
Monkey bone tree contains flavonoids which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects, enhance resistance, and support cancer prevention. However, there is currently no medical evidence showing its effectiveness in treating cancer. In fact, flavonoids in monkeybone are also found in many other familiar foods such as green tea, red apples, citrus fruits… that we still use every day.
You can refer to and use monkey bone plant as an herb to support health, improve resistance, and reduce side effects during cancer treatment according to your doctor’s advice. Do not use monkey bone plant as a substitute for advanced and scientifically proven cancer treatment methods such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted drugs. Because this causes loss of treatment opportunities, missed “golden time”, and high risk of cancer complications.
Cancer is a complex disease that needs to be treated based on evidence-based medicine and the application of modern science and technology under close supervision of a doctor. Each treatment regimen is the result of a consultation process involving many doctors based on the pathological characteristics, stage, and physical condition of each patient. Before being put into use, any drug must undergo rigorous research and clinical testing. Simply relying on word of mouth or personal experience is not enough.
Currently, cancer treatment methods have achieved many great advances to help increase effectiveness and improve patient survival time. You and your loved ones should trust modern medicine and follow the oncologist’s regimen. Before using herbs, you should consult your doctor to avoid unwanted side effects or adverse interactions with cancer drugs.