After two months of intense negotiations, the Commission of Private House Employees (made up of government officials, unions and employers) managed to close an agreement that increases salaries by 6% (which in practice is equivalent to a few more points because the increase is cumulative). Although the promise is to meet again this month, so far the numbers that are on the table increase the minimum wage for babysitters. $2,826 to $2,997.03 per hourand of $ 357.350 a $ 379.111,19 the month for those who have daily withdrawal.

This total increase of 6% was divided into two: a 3,2% It was retroactive to September. and a 2.8% as of October. Therefore, for now, November remains the same as month 10. Until the regulations are made official in the Official Gazette, the numbers are estimates and can now begin to be applied.

Retroactive to the previous two months, employers must pay about $171 per hour worked for the fourth category that refers to caring for people, and almost a few $21,800 more per month to reach the established minimums.

As it is cumulative, that is, to establish the salaries that domestic employees should receive in September, the August values ​​will be taken; and for those of October, those of the 9th month will be reviewed. Which means that in practice The increase will reach approximately 6.5%.

In November, the time for the most in-demand category (the fifth, general tasks) will be at $2,780 for those employees who have retirement. For those who pay per month, the salary will amount to $340,935.17 for the same category and modality.

By Editor

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