Billion-dollar claim from British consumer organization against Apple

The British consumer organization Which? has filed a claim for 3 billion pounds (approximately 3.6 billion euros) in the United Kingdom against the American technology group Apple. Which? accuses Apple of pushing “millions of users” towards its cloud storage service iCloud, with “exorbitant prices”

According to the organization, around 40 million Apple customers in the United Kingdom who used the iCloud service over the past nine years may be entitled to compensation.

Which! indicates in the claim that Apple gave its cloud storage service preferential treatment on its devices. The company would not have allowed its customers to store their phone data with another provider. Once the free limit was exceeded, Apple charged according to Which! also charge excessive prices for data storage.

Apple strongly refuted the allegations on Thursday. In recent years, the company had to pay fines in several countries for abusing its dominant position. This was the case in France, Spain, Italy and Russia, among others.

By Editor

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