Obesity drugs protect the kidneys and can also reduce alcohol consumption

Obesity drugs can also reduce alcohol consumption, says another recent study.

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Medicines for obesity and diabetes protect the kidneys, says a recent collective study.

A meta-analysis showed that drugs that mimic the gut hormone glp-1 reduce the risk of kidney failure and death related to kidney damage by about a fifth.

The study compiles the results of 11 clinical trials with more than 85,000 participants.

Another new study also shows that obesity drugs can reduce alcohol consumption.

Gut hormone Obesity and diabetes drugs that mimic glp-1 have a significant benefit in kidney diseases.

Glp-1 drugs reduce the risk of kidney failure, deterioration of function, and death from kidney damage by about a fifth, reports a meta-analysis published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal. aggregate study.

At the same time, the result that glp-1 drugs significantly reduce cardiovascular problems was confirmed.

Risk of cardiovascular-related deaths, heart attacks, and strokes decreased 14 percent compared to people who received a placebo in medical trials. Mortality from any cause was 13 percent lower in those receiving glp-1 drugs.

A meta-analysis brings together the results of 11 clinical trials. There were a total of more than 85,000 participants, the majority of whom had type 2 diabetes.

The rest of the participants were people classified as overweight or obese, with some cardiovascular disease but no diabetes.

The meta-analysis looked at four semaglutide preparations as well as other glp-1 preparations such as liraglutide and dulaglutide.

Many know semaglutide better under the brand names Ozempic or Wegovy, which are products of the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk.

Glp-1 drugs mimic the natural human intestinal hormone glp-1, which the intestine begins to secrete after eating. It stimulates insulin production and lowers blood sugar levels.

Glp-1 preparations were initially developed to treat diabetes, but since they increase the feeling of satiety and reduce appetite, they have also been found to be effective in the treatment of obesity.

At issue is the first study to show that glp-1 drugs have a clear benefit for people with kidney disease, says the study’s first author, a professor at UNSW Sydney University in Australia Sunil Badve.

“These results are particularly important for patients with chronic kidney disease,” says Badve of The George Institute for Global Health. in the bulletin.

According to Badve, it is a progressive condition that will eventually require dialysis or a kidney transplant. Advanced kidney failure is associated with an increased risk of death due to, for example, heart or brain infarction.

Chronic renal failure affects evaluating according to every tenth person in the world, i.e. about 850 million people. Its predicted becoming the tenth most common cause of death by 2050.

In studies there have been indications that obesity drugs help with many diseases and ailments. That is why they have come to be regarded as “wonder drugs”.

Glp-1 preparations can be helpful, for example in osteoarthritis of the knee mixed of dependencies in trust. We are currently investigating whether the drugs are effective in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Obesity medications can also reduce alcohol consumption, tells a study published in Jama Network Open on Tuesday evening. Almost half of the subjects who drank alcohol reduced their alcohol consumption after they started taking the obesity drug.

Glp-1 drugs may weaken the rewarding effects of alcohol in a similar way to food, the researchers estimate.

By Editor

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