Giuseppe Conte underlined this during the assembly of the 5 Star Movement group a few days ago: the symbol is unassailable, trust me as I am a lawyer… A concept reiterated again today in an interview with the Press. The symbol is of the 5 Star Movement, “I tell you as a lawyer”, he underlined. Today MP Alfonso Colucci explained what emerged during the last meeting between the M5s president and the five-star parliamentarians. “When the members have voted on Sunday too, the discussion will be politically closed. If there are any legal appendices we will deal with it in court”, said the loyalist of the Apulian jurist.
In short, from Monday the page will be turned but the objective, if Grillo were to move forward with his legal battle, would be to respond blow for blow. The reasoning reiterated on the last occasion with the deputies and senators is that if the former Ligurian comedian were to bring a lawsuit the reaction would be vehement. “It would be a reckless move, he would risk seriously hurting himself…”, reports a ‘big’.
Moreover, the Conte himself recalled in the assembly how the dissidents who waged a battle against the old statute at the court of Naples were asked to pay the legal costs and even asking for reputational damages was avoided. And then there are the contents of the drawn up contract: legal coverage provided there is no claim on the symbol.
The conviction of Volturara Appula’s lawyer is thatGrillo has no room for maneuver on the symbol which is used by the 5 Star Movement association and belongs to the community. But the founder of the Movement in the video two days ago on the hearse in which he announced that M5s is dead did not rule out further moves at all. Even if those who spoke to him claim that for now there is nothing concrete, it is above all some former five-star players who are pushing him to take to the field again. Meanwhile, the new online voting of members on the statutory questions opened this morning at 10am and will close at 10pm next Sunday. They will decide on the rules for changing the symbol, on the guarantee bodies and on the role of the guarantor.
The challenge is to reach the quorum, to reach at least 44,467 voters out of the approximately 89 thousand eligible voters. “Already this evening (December 5th, ed.) 20% of the total registered will be exceeded”, the conviction of many five-star members, even if some argue that the outcome of the votes is not entirely obvious. There are no official data but there is trust in the 5 Star Movement and even in the assembly a climate of unity and the need to look forward was underlined. In any case, Conte does not fear a split: “In three years I haven’t heard any alternative political project from Grillo.”
The judgment on the former Elevato is ‘trenchant’: “The myth – Conte said in the interview with La Stampa, starting from the premise that he was never Grillo’s son – has largely worn itself out. The indicator of what I’m saying is precisely the vote of the members on his defenestration. I was surprised by the results also due to the extent. And it made me understand how much Grillo has detached himself from his community”. But other words have made the most noise in the centre-left camp. If the vote were held tomorrow, would the M5S stand alone in the elections? To the question, the former president of Council was not upset: “If the Democratic Party does not change its mind” on some issues such as weapons and the European Commission led by Ursula Von Der Leyen “yes. It is the logical consequence of our coherence. These points are absolutely discriminating for us.”