Stalemate in the work on the budget, the government does not table the amendments

The Chamber Budget Committee was interrupted at two in the morning with work at a standstill government has not yet tabled further amendments expected, including that on the IRES reward, also given the comments made by the opposition on the coverage and topics covered. The Commission’s work will resume in the late morning starting from 12.

“There is a desire to do things well, respecting the prerogatives of the opposition and the majority. Haste is a bad advisor”, explains the Undersecretary for the Economy, Federico Freni, at the end of the work. Avs deputy Marco Grimali notes: “There are many covers that could not fit into a maxi amendment, it had to be unpacked. There is neither a report nor a report that makes the exits and entries clearly understood. The opposition reserved the right to make suggestions, let’s see tomorrow if they are accepted”.

By Editor

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