And to think that she almost disappeared! It was in 2008. “The State announced at the time that it was going to stop subsidizing it,” recalls Guillemette Leneveu, general director of Unaf (National Union of Family Associations). The idea fizzled. At 103, the Large Families card, a real boost for the purchasing power of families with at least three children (or blended families), without means requirements, stand the test of time and have never been in better shape. Better, from the end of January, it will be even easier to obtain it.
Since its launch in January 2023, the new formula of this sesame, which offers reductions (from – 30%) in transport (SNCF, RATP, etc.) but also in certain restaurants, ready-to-wear brands porter and holiday villages, now exists in a dematerialized version and is more easily accessible, particularly on mobile phones.