The fastest laser cutting machine in the world

Penta Laser’s 60 kW laser cutting machine can cut through a 20 mm thick carbon steel plate at a speed of 11 – 12 m/min, 4 times faster than a 20 kW cutting machine.

China’s high-tech manufacturing industry took a new step in expanding into international markets when a company in Zhejiang exported ultra-high-power laser cutting machines to the US. Penta Laser, a joint venture between Chutian Laser Group and Italian partner, delivered the first 60 kW laser cutting machine to an anonymous customer in the construction steel industry. This American customer is a multinational corporation founded in 1903, with a famous position in the global construction steel industry, Interesting Engineering reported on December 15.

Penta Laser’s laser cutting machine can cut through 20 mm thick carbon steel at a speed of 11 – 12 m/min. The advanced machine left the company’s factory in Shandong province on November 24. With a power of 60 kW, it has a large cutting area of ​​3 x 13 m, an accuracy of 0.03 mm, and automatic loading and unloading capabilities. It also supports bevel cutting, making it extremely suitable for complex production work.

Laser cutting is a precise and versatile process that uses a focused beam to cut, shape or engrave materials such as metal, plastic or glass. The benefits of laser cutting machines such as high precision, low waste and reduced processing, make it an essential machine in many industries such as construction, shipbuilding, aerospace and heavy industry .

Penta Laser, headquartered in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, produced the world’s first 60 kW laser cutting machine in March 2023. According to the company, while the 20 kW mower has a speed of 3.5 m/min, the 60 kW system is four times faster with unprecedented efficiency and precision. When introducing the 60 kW laser cutting machine, Penta Laser CEO Wu Rangda said that laser cutting technology is likely to reach its optimal power at 60 kW because this power level is a good substitute for plasma cutting and heated cutting. material. Increasing laser power beyond this level will provide a low level of improvement in performance while significantly increasing cost and energy consumption for the user.

The laser cutting industry, dominated by American companies such as Coherent and IPG Photonics, is undergoing major change as Chinese manufacturers improve fiber laser technology. Penta Laser is expanding its export scope this year to many markets such as the UK, Japan and the Netherlands. This company is China’s leading laser equipment manufacturer, launching 12 kW, 15 kW, and 20 kW laser cutting machines since 2017.

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