The Doha Italy Village – the Made in Italy international exhibition which brings together the ‘nationals of Italian excellence’ and to which 11 ministries participate – received a visit from the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida, who arrived in the capital of Qatar on the occasion of the 30th stage of the Vespucci World Tour. With his arrival the minister officially inaugurated the event, together with the Italian ambassador to Qatar Paolo Toschi ea Luca Andreoli CEO of Difesa Servizi, the first “Italian Garden” of the Villaggio Italia which will also accompany the Tour in the next stages with the aim of valorising the production chains of raw materials among the Italian excellences.
The Italian Garden debuted in a stage of the Villaggio Italia characterized by the presence of many events organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests to enhance Italian gastronomic excellence. A rich program of events that Masaf has organized within the Villaggio Italia, with an entire area called ‘Anima Italia’ dedicated to masterclasses and tastings of Italian pizza and Italian olive oil organized by Italia Olivicola, the National Consortium of olive growers and Veronafiere which organized the masterclass dedicated to table olives and Sol d’Oro oils. Also in Doha is the le project Bread Routes – the Italian Apulian bread, which celebrates the Italian tradition of bread-making with Donato Taronna, master bread-maker from Monte Sant’Angelo and ambassador of the products of the Apulian territory.
Pizza is also the protagonist of the event ‘Starry Pizzas’ curated by Italia Olivicola, which offers a selection of doughs and processing techniques created by pizza chefs Michele Pascarella, Michele Circhirillo and Alfonso Saviello with a selection of paired oils, in support of the candidacy of Italian cuisine as a UNESCO intangible heritage site.
“I would like to thank the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto whose intuition made it possible to take the Amerigo Vespucci training ship, the most beautiful ship in the world, on an international tour that has already touched 30 ports around the globe, transforming it into a living symbol of Italian excellence – stated Lollobrigida – Thanks special goes to all the men and women of the Italian Navy, who with dedication and professionalism are making this extraordinary undertaking possible. The initiative of the Villaggio Italia, which accompanies the ship during its journey, is allowing us to promote our culture, tradition and creativity in a unique and effective way, strengthening the image of Italy and supporting the export of our products thanks to a targeted valorisation of Made in Italy in international markets” -.
“Together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests we decided to create this space at Villaggio Italia, the vegetable garden, to promote our land – concluded Andreoli – In the stages of the Middle East, given their desert geographical conformation , we thought that nature could find its reason for being. And for us, nature in Italy means living with a territory that allows us to make it productive in an intelligent way.”