Employees of Chechen ministries responded to comments on Telegram and Instagram, banned in Russia, more than 23 million times in a few months, according to an official report of the Ministry of National Policy, Foreign Relations, Press and Information.
The document called this “control over the reaction of the public in the region and beyond”, and it is also noted that “answers to false and provocative publications are published”. to praise Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
In total, officials reported the creation of 41,000 pages on Instagram, of which there were 4.28 million reactions under 658 posts in the last quarter of this year, and the total views were 111,000. And 39 thousand pages were created in Telegram, of which 19.4 million reactions were under 876 posts.
The report also says that between October and December of this year, the Ministry of Information transferred to the prosecutor’s office links to 199 publications, mainly from Telegram and YouTube, which were included in the federal list of extremist materials.
A regional content center was created in Chechnya this year. It is planned that the employees of that center will post publications on the public pages of local authorities. The main purpose of the content center is “providing access to public information”, as well as “production and placement of regional content on state public pages”.
In 2020, the leader of Chechnya called people who do not read media resources controlled by the authorities “dangerous”.