This January 2 marks 105 years since the birth, in 1920, of the writer and biochemist Isaac Asimovknown for being a prolific author of works of science fiction, history and popular science.
Who died in 1992, the American scholar of Russian origin, author of Foundation, has many famous phrases to his credit. Here is a selection of five, which describe his view of life and the world.
– “The saddest part of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
– “In life, unlike chess, the game continued after checkmate.”
– “A poor idea well written is probably more accepted than a good idea poorly written.”
– “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It is the transition that is problematic.”
– “The most exciting phrase you can hear in science, when a new discovery is announced, is not ‘Eureka’ (I found it), but ‘it’s strange.’”