Comment|Many Christmas movies repeat the same formula that happiness can be found in a small town.
Are you tired of spending your Christmases without a swing?
Now is the time to forget about Tinder and other dating services and turn your eyes to Christmas movies. Exactly those stories that ooze romance and have a happy ending that television and streaming services bring to the screens year after year.
Could they be of any help? It’s time to stop staring at Christmas stories and learn. Surely they don’t repeat the same formulas in one film after another?
Let’s see how Christmas movies advise us to find love.
If you come from a small town, move back there immediately. It’s definitely the first thing to do.
Set up a flower shop, bookstore, candy store, bakery, cafe or any small business there. It is also always a good option to take responsibility for the family business from the parents.
This would seem to be a surefire way to run into a former – changed in a good way – crush, a schoolmate or otherwise just an interesting person. The method also applies to occasional visits to the hometown, i.e. if the thought of moving is distressing, just vacationing in the hometown around Christmas would seem to work.
It is likely that the potential crush you meet will be a little prejudiced towards you, the “city visitor”. Maybe even arrogantly, because he thinks that nothing will make you stay in the village. This might be because her previous partner dumped her for the big city.
So remember to put faith in him that you haven’t forgotten your roots. You will probably soon find the purpose of life, peace and happiness in your birthplace.
Second a good way is to start saving some important and historical urban site in the locality, such as an old mill or a business owned by your family.
It is also always worth participating in the joint effort of the townspeople, such as organizing Christmas vendors and some traditional Christmas competition.
Forget the cynicism. It’s worth getting involved in all kinds of adventures that seem silly. However, there is always a potential crush who does everything to make the event a success and make people feel good.
“If a blizzard threatens, head to the airport.”
If it seems that a snowstorm or some violent natural phenomenon might delay flights, you should head to the airport.
Fate may throw almost any lovely guy in front of you, for example a prince. Princes and other nobles are really popular in Christmas movies. So keep your eyes open if blue-blooded guys are interested. At any moment, royalty may walk into your little boutique.
And if nothing else works, you can always try to believe in magic and hope that the snowman will come to life with rock-hard abs and never melt away.
Then only towards new love. Maybe next Christmas will be different.