Unexpected benefits from a few minutes of walking every day

Walking every day, even for just a few minutes, brings many benefits to physical and mental health for all ages, and is easy to do.

Many studies have proven the outstanding benefits of walking. Research from Stanford University shows that walking, especially in nature, stimulates creative thinking. The University of Essex found that walking outside for 5 minutes improved mood and reduced stress.

In the journal Hypertension, research shows that brisk walking helps reduce blood pressure, while work published in Diabetes Care confirms that walking 15 minutes after meals helps control blood sugar. In addition, the National Institute of Mental Health (USA) said walking for 90 minutes in nature reduces negative thoughts and enhances mental health.

Walking for 3 minutes reduces blood pressure

Walking briskly for 3 minutes, especially after sitting for a long time, helps improve blood pressure, blood circulation and prevent arteriosclerosis. This habit also reduces the risk of high blood pressure in the long term.

A 5-minute walk improves mood

Walking outdoors for 5 minutes helps the body produce serotonin, reducing stress and increasing feelings of happiness. Walking in the park or just walking and talking both bring positive effects.

Walking 5-10 minutes increases creative thinking

Research shows that walking, especially in nature, stimulates the brain, improves creative thinking and brings new inspiration.


Walking is a simple exercise, suitable for all ages. Image: Pexels

Walking 15 minutes after meals reduces blood sugar

Walking after meals helps muscles absorb glucose, keeping blood sugar levels stable, especially useful for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

Walking for 30 minutes supports weight loss

Walking 30 minutes after meals boosts metabolism, burns calories and improves digestion. Can combine leg weights to increase effectiveness.

Walking for 40 minutes reduces the risk of heart disease

Walking 40 minutes a day helps lower cholesterol, improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart failure.

Walking for 90 minutes reduces negative thoughts

Walking outdoors for 90 minutes reduces anxiety, sadness and increases connection with nature, improving concentration and spirit.

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