Fighting Bears: Man Saved His Dog From Wild Animal Attack

Orlando – Blake Sprout has impressively demonstrated that his dog Karen is a full-fledged family member for him. To save the Pomeranian mix, he put his own life in danger – he fought three bears!

Sprout lives in Orange City, a city near Orlando, Florida (USA). There are bears in the area, but usually not in his immediate neighborhood. Like every evening, he left his three Dogs on December 20th before going to bed briefly in the garden.

Pomeranian mix Karen needed several stitches and had the stitches removed on Friday

Photo: Private

Three bears suddenly appeared in the garden

Then the shock: three young bears were standing right in front of his front door. “And before I could stop my dogs, they just ran towards the bears,” says Sprout in an interview with the TV station “WSVN“.

Immediately snapped up Bear the little dog, had Karen in her mouth. Sprout lunged and kicked the attacker. The bear actually let go of Karen – and set its sights on her master: “He attacked me and bit my stomach.”

Surveillance camera footage captured the fight between Sprout and the bear

Photo: Private

Surveillance camera filmed everything

Then the bear grabbed the dog again and ran away with him. “I couldn’t let Karen die. She screamed in pain,” Sprout said.

So he grabbed stones and threw them at the bear. With success: he dropped Karen again and fled with his two companions. The entire fight was recorded on a surveillance camera.

Painful: The bear bit Blake Sprout in the stomach, causing thick bruises. As a precaution, the dog owner had himself vaccinated against rabies

Photo: Private

Dog needed stitches after bear attack

Sprout has a large bruise on his stomach. “I had to get a rabies shot just to be safe. It’s quite swollen, but everything should be okay.” He doesn’t regret his rescue operation.

Karen needed several stitches and the stitches were removed on Friday.

After his dogs had already darted into the garden, Blake Sprout spotted the three bears at his door

Foto: Blake Sprout

However, he no longer lets his dogs into the garden as carefree as he used to. “I am more careful when I go outside. And I check before I go out with them,” he says on “WSVN.”

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials have since reported that they have captured the three cubs along with the mother bear and relocated them to another location.

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Those: BILD / Ekalak Lakshana via ViralHog

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