The Nvidia CEO’s comments sent quantum companies’ stock prices plummeting

Share prices of companies developing quantum computers plunged after the artificial intelligence giant Nvidia’s managing director Jensen Huang said that highly usable quantum computers are not expected for decades.

Huang said at an event for analysts that usable quantum computers can be expected in 15 years at the earliest, but sooner than 30 years.

“If you chose 20 years, I think a lot of us would agree,” Huang said at the event according to the news agency Bloomberg.

Quantum computer companies such as Quantum Computing, IONQ:n, Discard Computingin and D-Wave Quantumin shares fell 30-40 percent after Wall Street opened.

The values ​​of the shares of quantum computers have increased by hundreds of percent at the end of the year, for example after the internet company Alphabet reported in December about progress in quantum computer processors.

Quantum computers make it possible to solve complex problems much faster than current computers.

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