Iranian authorities intend to move the capital from Tehran to the coast

Iranian government spokeswoman Fatima Mohajerani announced plans to move the Iranian capital from Tehran. “The new capital will be in the south, or more precisely in the Makran region,” the official said.

Mohajerani noted that this is not about the near future, but expert commissions have already been created to discuss the issue. According to her, Tehran is facing overpopulation, and the city also has environmental problems.

Makran, located on the coast of the Gulf of Oman, is intended to become the country’s maritime gateway, an important economic and commercial center that will relieve some of the pressure on Tehran. It lies hundreds of kilometers east of the Strait of Hormuz, outside the Persian Gulf.

Please note that this area cannot be called calm. It is located near the border with Pakistan in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan. Both Baloch separatists and smugglers operate here. The financial costs associated with moving the capital may prove unaffordable for Iran’s sanctions-weakened economy.

By Editor

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