5 vitamins and minerals help reduce belly fat

People losing weight should increase their intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 to support energy metabolism; Magnesium, calcium and vitamin D prevent fat storage.

Belly fat can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The cause is often poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. People who want to lose belly fat need to make lifestyle changes such as eating healthy, regular physical activity and reducing stress.

Vitamins and minerals not only enhance immune function and nourish the body, but also support metabolism, affecting the ability to control weight. Adding some suitable nutrient-rich foods contributes to fat loss.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D participates in metabolism and promotes weight loss. Obese and overweight people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Although obesity does not directly affect the ability to produce vitamin D, higher fat intake can limit the circulation of this vitamin in the body. This affects various functions, including fat metabolism.

Vitamin D is synthesized when the body is exposed to sunlight, and is also found in foods such as eggs, mushrooms, salmon, milk and fortified orange juice.


Calcium is essential for all ages, especially children, the elderly and pregnant women. In addition to supporting bone health, calcium also promotes fat metabolism and storage, contributing to weight loss. When the body lacks calcium, the ability to decompose fat cells is also reduced. Milk and dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, green vegetables, beans, and seafood are rich in calcium.

Vitamin B12

B12 plays an important role in energy metabolism. It also helps convert fats and proteins in food into energy, contributing to weight control. Eating foods rich in vitamin B12 such as milk, eggs, and fish helps prevent deficiency of this vitamin.


This mineral is responsible for sleep quality, muscle contraction function and muscle health. Magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those that regulate blood sugar and fat metabolism. This nutrient is found in many nuts, whole grains and green vegetables.

Magnesium also aids in regulating glucose and insulin levels, potentially influencing belly fat. Thanks to that, supplementing enough of these nutrients can reduce body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. This is especially helpful for people with hypertension, obesity, magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance.


Providing adequate amounts of vitamin C can better metabolize fat after exercise. Add fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, dried figs, and strawberries to your meals to meet your daily essential vitamin needs.

Blood tests can help check your risk of nutrient deficiencies. Consult your doctor or nutritionist for a supplement plan and dosage appropriate to your health condition.

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