Having received the 10 binding offers for the acquisition of Acciaierie d’Italia in extraordinary administration by midnight last Friday, the former Ilva, of which 3 for the entire group and 7 for individual, specific assets, comes to life from today January 13th, the analysis of the same offers. While it will take, as the commissioners of AdI, Fiori, Quaranta and Tabarelli said, a “congruous time” for the detailed analysis of what has been proposed, however the examination of the offers by the structure in charge has already begun.
The latter includes the experts of Boston Consulting, the lawyers of Acciaierie d’Italia in extraordinary administration (manager of the plants) and of Ilva in extraordinary administration (owner of the plants) and the technicians of the Ministry of Companies. This work will last at least a week to get a complete picture and then begin to make a thoughtful evaluation, keeping in mind that there are various elements to be explored in greater depth.
First of all, the industrial plan and how the decarbonisation of production will be implemented. And then the employment plan: how many people are intended to be hired. In fact, “the express commitment to continue the entrepreneurial activities acquired for at least two years and to maintain employment levels that will be identified” is requested.
Today there are around 10 thousand employees, of which 8 thousand in Taranto, excluding related industries, and the extraordinary redundancy fund, valid throughout 2025, is authorized for 4,050 units of which 3,500 in Taranto, even if there are actually fewer people on the fund. After that, according to what we learn, it will be necessary to understand how to align the offers starting from the three that concern all of AdI. Alignment means seeing the strong points and the adherence of the proposals to what the commissioners asked for in the tender launched at the end of July.
Even today, sources close to the dossier expressed satisfaction with the results obtained by the deadline of 10 January regarding the filing of binding offers, maintaining that it was not at all a given that 10 proposals in total would arrive. applying for the entire Steelworks were Baku Steel Company CJSC and Azerbaijan Investment Company OJSC; Bedrock Industries Management Co Inc; Jindal Steel International.
While seven offers arrived for the individual AdI assets: the consortium Car Segnaletica Stradale srl, Monge & C. spa and Trans Isole srl; the consortium Eusider spa, Marcegaglia Steel spa and Profilmec spa; the consortium Marcegaglia Steel spa and Sideralba SpA; and then the companies Eusider spa, IMC spa, Marcegaglia Steel spa and Vitali spa. In the process for the sale to a new private individual, the tender notice also provides for the possible improvement of the offers with raises, which will be followed by the identification of the “best binding offer”, “an exclusive negotiation phase with the relevant offering party for the implementation of the operation” to finally arrive at the “signing of the contractual sales documentation”.
“It is absolutely essential that the trade union organizations are convened by the Government to open a close phase of discussion – states the USB with Franco Rizzo and Sasha Colautti – we reiterate the need to favor those who show interest in the entire production asset and who therefore could provide more certainty regarding the unitary management of the workforce, ensuring equal treatment for all”. Furthermore, “given the strategic nature of the steel sector in the overall picture of the national economy, we expect the State to maintain its presence within the corporate structure, playing an active role that is synonymous with guarantee”.
“We are certain that the Meloni Government will not repeat the mistakes made in the past that brought the steelworks close to default. It will be essential to verify that the industrial plan presented by the aspiring new managers has full environmental compatibility as its priority but above all does not provide for further reductions on the employment level” finally asks Gianfranco Chiarelli, UDC Puglia commissioner.