Charlie Hebdo Miss France controversy: “Remaining neutral is what we are asked to do,” recalls Ève Gilles

She is the first Miss France to speak out on the subject. Ève Gilles, beauty queen of 2024, has just returned her crown to Angélique Angarni-Filopon and is launching into “Dancing with the Stars” from Friday February 7, on TF 1 (9:10 p.m.). Now that she has handed over her title, she can finally speak freely, in particular to comment on the controversy surrounding Charlie Hebdo which has somewhat tarnished the beginnings of her successor.

Reminder of the facts: interviewed on Sud Radio on January 8, the Martinican beauty queen gets bogged down while a journalist asks her if she is “Charlie”. After an embarrassed silence, she replied that she “could not comment”. Same silence to the following question on the right to blasphemy.

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