Finnair’s Board of Directors nominated for four new names

Carrier Finnair announced the proposals of the shareholders’ Nomination Committee for the upcoming board composition.

The Nomination Committee proposes that eight members be elected to the Board.

Re -nominated for Jukka Erlund, Hannele Jakosuo-Jansson, Jussi Siitonen and Sanna suvanto-harsaae.

As new members are on a nominee Andreas Bierwirth, Nicolas Boutin, Lisa Farrar and Mika Ihamuotila.

Bierwirth is a telecommunications and aviation expert, Boutin is also an aviation expert, Farrar is a customer experience professional in tourism and Ihamuotila is known for example Marimekko Chairman of the Board.

The current members are left out Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, Montie Brewer and Henrik Kjellberg.

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