Carrier Finnair announced the proposals of the shareholders’ Nomination Committee for the upcoming board composition.
The Nomination Committee proposes that eight members be elected to the Board.
Re -nominated for Jukka Erlund, Hannele Jakosuo-Jansson, Jussi Siitonen and Sanna suvanto-harsaae.
As new members are on a nominee Andreas Bierwirth, Nicolas Boutin, Lisa Farrar and Mika Ihamuotila.
Bierwirth is a telecommunications and aviation expert, Boutin is also an aviation expert, Farrar is a customer experience professional in tourism and Ihamuotila is known for example Marimekko Chairman of the Board.
The current members are left out Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko, Montie Brewer and Henrik Kjellberg.