The Vatican publishes his doctrine about AI, an opportunity that entails “ethical challenges”

The Vatican published his doctrine on the artificial intelligence (AI), an instrument that according to the Holy See offers opportunities but also entails great “ethical challenges” for humanity.

“Like any product of human ingenuity, AI can also be oriented towards positive or negative ends,” warns the document, approved by Pope Francis, and particularly destined for parents, teachers, shepherds and bishops.

AI is an opportunity as long as its use is subject to a “moral assessment” because, “the shadow of evil also extends here”affirms the note published by the dicasteries for the doctrine of faith and for culture and education.

Artificial intelligence can be used “to help nations seek peace and guarantee security”, has the potential to “increase skills and productivity” and present “enormous potential in various applications of the medical field,” lists the Vatican .

In the field of education, if “prudence” is used, it can become a “valuable resource”, since it improves access to education and can offer personalized support and “immediate responses,” he says.

“Ethical implications”

However, the Vatican does not hide his concern about “the ethical implications of technological development.”

For example, the “war use of artificial intelligence”, especially “autonomous and lethal weapons systems”, which the Pope demanded are forbidden at the Summit of June G7, 2024 in Italy.

In terms of employment, The current technology approaches can “designary to workers, submit them to automated surveillance and relegate them to rigid and repetitive tasks”he warns.

If used to replace human workers instead of accompanying them, there is “the substantial risk of a disproportionate benefit for a few at the expense of the impoverishment of many,” says the document.

In the educational field, according to the Holy See, many programs “are limited to providing answers instead of inciting students to find them for themselves”, which is seen as an obstacle to promoting “critical thinking.”

False news

The document also warns about the “serious risk” that IA generates manipulated content, difficult to distinguish from real data. “The consequences of such aberrations and false information can be very serious,” warns the Vatican.

The Holy See also states that the fact that “most of the power over the main applications of AI is concentrated in the hands of a few and powerful companies raises important ethical problems.”

These companies, add, without naming them, “They possess the ability to exercise controls as subtle as invasive, creating mechanisms for manipulation of consciences and the democratic process.”

Therefore, the authors of the document affirm in a final reflection, which is “decisive” critically assess the different applications of AI, in their different areas, to determine whether or not they promote “dignity, human vocation and good common”.

By Editor

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