New Defense Group Summa Defense goes to the stock exchange through the kitchen – in the background arrangement with Meriaura

The new Defense Summa Defense is going to the stock exchange via the Meriauura Group.

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The amount defense is going to the stock exchange via the Meriauura Group in April.

In the arrangement, Meriaura buys the amount defense and changes its name.

The Summa Defense will enter the Helsinki and Stockholm Stock Exchange on the First North list.

The Summa Defense acquires six companies as their subsidiaries.

Last Founded in the summer, the Defense Summa Defense is going to the stock exchange through the so -called kitchen, that is, through a complicated ownership arrangement.

According to the company, the arrangement will take place in April.

Thanks to the arrangement, the amount defense will jump at the same time on the First North list of both the Helsinki and Stockholm Stock Exchange.

This is not a traditional listing where the company would collect new capital, but the technical listing, where the logistics and energy company Meriauu Group, which is already on the stock exchange, buys the amount Defense while changing its name into the amount defense.

The acquisition will be implemented by equity exchange and organizing a directed share issue for Defence shareholders. Prior to this, the Meriaura’s Maritime logistics business is sold to Meriaura Invest.

After the arrangement, the Summa Defense shareholders will own 88.1 percent of the new company entity and 11.9 percent owners of the Meriauura Group.

As the Meriaura is also listed on the Stockholm First North list, the Summa Defense is immediately accessible to two stock markets. The arrangement still requires Nasdaq’s approval for listing.

Fast the amount of growth -seeking defense told about their outlets Already last summer. At that time, it said it would investigate the stock market within a year.

The idea of ​​Defence, founded last summer, is to assemble several smaller or medium -sized companies around the defense industry under its roof and help them, for example, in product development, production capacity and internationalization.

Double uses, ie products and technologies, are a significant role that are suitable for both defense and civilian markets.

In the acquisition, the Summa Defense acquires six companies as their subsidiaries. They are Lännen Tractors, Aquamec, New Town Workboat, Intlog, Lightspace Technologies and Summa Dones.

According to information, the sum and the subsidiaries’ total turnover last year was EUR 49.5 million, with a EBITDA of EUR 4 million in minus. The total order book is EUR 200 million.

Meriaura has also gone to the stock market so -called. through the kitchen, or acquisition. It merged with Savo Solar, already on the stock market, which changed its name to the Meriaura Group in the summer of 2023.

Meriaura has two business areas, ie sea logistics and renewable energy.

Summa Defence’s ownership forces can be found, for example, in the car dealership Wetter, which was also taken to the stock exchange through a merger through a soprano company.

Summa Chairman of Defence’s Board of Directors Markku Kankaala Also leads, among other things, the Wetter government. The owners also include Wetter’s CEO Aarne Simula.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the new company has been planned to be a member Samuli Koskela and as CEO Jussi Holopainenwho currently serves as CEO of SUMA.

By Editor

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