Invoice in the price of electricity – see tomorrow’s prices hourly

Stock exchange electricity is cheaper on Thursday than today on Wednesday, the electricity exchange shows Nord Pool the price information published.

On Thursday, the price of electricity is at its lowest in the morning hours 1-2 pm, when electricity costs 0.5 cents per kilowatt hour.

At no time does the price be painful to 10 cents per kilowatt hour. At its most expensive, electricity costs between 6pm and 7pm in the evening between 8.7 cents per kilowatt hour.

The decline in the price over Wednesday is quite clear. On Wednesday, the price of the stock market is moving around in the morning and at three o’clock in the afternoon at three cents per kilowatt hour.

At its highest, the price of electricity was Wednesday morning from 9am to 10am, when the price was 18.3 cents per kilowatt hour.

The counter below can look at what the use of electrical equipment at different electricity prices is estimated to cost.


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