The American company BOOM Supersonic, which developed the fastest in the world of the Overture civilian airliner, announced the successful first supersonic flight of the XB-1 demonstration prototype.
The tests took place on January 28 at the Aerospace Center in the Mohava Desert in California, the USA. The plane was ruled by the chief test pilot of Boom Tristan Brandenburg.
The Boom Supersonic press release says that, under the control of the XB-1 pilot, he entered the supersonic corridor and reached a height of 35,290 feet (more than 10 thousand meters), after which he accelerated to a speed of 1.122 Mach (over 1200 km/h), for the first time overcoming the sound barrier. .
We are talking about the first flight in history, when a civilian supersonic aircraft of independent development (created by a non -state company) overcomes a sound barrier.
Recall that in the history of aviation there were only two supersonic civil liners-British-French Concorde and the Soviet Tu-144. They were removed from operation due to unprofitability and safety problems-Concorde in 2003, Tu-144 in 1978.
The new Overture Super -Survival Passenger Passenger plane, according to the developers, will be able to take up to 80 passengers on board, all tickets will be of the first class. Considerable attention will be paid to fuel savings.