When is charged, how much is and how to process it in the ANSES

Almost about the end of February classes in the Porteña primary schools begin, a week later, but already in March they do the secondary schools of CABA and the first cycle in Greater Buenos Aires and some provinces, a few more days in those districts begins the second cycle. With the start of the 2025 school cycle, a lot of useful extra expenses, clothing and other school elements also ensued. In this context, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) renewed -as every year – The payment of the annual benefit: School assistance for the holders of the Universal Assignment for Son (AUH) and family assignments.

That benefit is one of the benefits that in February 2025 rises 2.70%. For those who meet the requirements and have approved the procedure they will receive with the updates About $ 130,700 that is delivered only once in the year.

The mandatory requirements are: present yes or yes the regular student certificate And, once the process that begins with that document, to the 60 days the benefit is charged.

In order to process the annual school aid of the 2025 school cycle, the school and regular student certificate You must deliver the first days of classes that, according to jurisdiction, They will begin between February 24 and March 5 (after the Carnival holiday).

This economic reinforcement is intended to: Children of AUH headlines y Family assignments that they have between 45 days and 17 years even, and that they attend educational institutions recognized at initial, primary or secondary levels.

Children with disabilities, without age limitwhich concur to establishments of Official or special teaching, Receive support from private teachers, attend job training workshops or are in rehabilitation processes.

By Editor

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