About 200 isolated migrants took possession on December 10 from the III performance halle borough. Since then, their number has almost doubled and no solution seems to emerge.
How long will the occupation of the lyrical gaiety last? « I didn’t think I stayed here for so long »laments Ousmane (modified first name), from Guinea. Like the some 400 other young migrants who occupy the Lyrique gaiety, a cultural place at the end since December, he has still not had a proposal for accommodation either by the city or by the State.
Dozens of covers accumulate on the rambards on the first floor of the Parisian performance hall. This is where 400 young migrants sleep on the ground every night. They were 200 at the start of the occupation on December 10. Today, some « Turn until an hour in the morning to find a place »explains Ousmane who claims to be 16 years old. When he arrived in France, he slept several months outside in a tent at the Marie bridge, in IVe arrondissement.
“The country of human rights has not kept its promises. »»
Ousmane, a migrant occupying the lyric gaiety.
For him, « The country of human rights has not kept its promises ». After weeks to send the ball, « discussions » are engaged between the city and the state, « which should finally find an exit from this occupation »told AFP Léa Filoche, solidarity assistant to the mayor PS Anne Hidalgo on Monday. According to her, the regional prefecture says it has accommodation places, but the city has « none » visibility on these solutions.
Contacted by AFP, the regional prefecture did not wish to comment. The young exiles, gathered in the “Collectif des Jeunes du Parc de Belleville”, ask « a roof on the head and the recognition of their minority » That France Terre d’Asile, in charge of the minority assessment in Paris, did not grant them, explains Amadou (amended first name), from Senegal. They also claim « a right to health, at school and a need to be integrated »he adds.
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Squatted by 200 migrants, the Lyrique gaiety closes its doors
The occupants filed an appeal to the children’s court. But the time of the procedure – which can last several months -, these young migrants are in a legal vacuum. If they are recognized by minors, they will be taken care of by the departmental services of social assistance to childhood. The Lyrique gaiety which has canceled its cultural programming since December 17, says it is understanding and denounces « both the occupation and inaction of the authorities ».
« The solutions exist, the authorities must work together » car « It is not acceptable to put people back to the street in the middle of winter »is indignant Juliette Donadieu, Director General of the cultural place of IIIe District of Paris. She deplores « very heavy operating losses » and is « worry » for the « business sustainability »which employs around sixty people.
Only four toilets and no shower
The city of Paris, owner of the place, is « very aware of the dramatic situation » Of these young people, mainly from sub -Saharan Africa, assures Léa Filoche. But « I do not know where to put them, the occupy places are already occupied »she deplores, stressing that she has « not hand on emergency accommodation, which is a competence of the State ».
The performance hall has no shower and the hundreds of occupants share four toilets, « A completely unsuitable space »deplores the director of places who fears « a health disaster ». On the ground floor of the occupied part of the performance hall, fifteen young people discuss around the few tall tables. They listen to music, load their phone, all in a good mood despite « fatigue and stress »that Mohamed (modified first name) describes.
1,600 euros meal each evening
An online kitty allows the collective to « Pay every night on average 1 600 euros meal ». The breakfasts come from donations, explains Félix, a 24-year-old activist, who did not wish to give his surname. Léa Filoche indicates that she initiated the first step in a « expulsion procedure »without objective of « Put the young people back to the street » but rather for « legally protect the municipal teams and those of the Lyrique gaiety »in the event of an accident in the premises.
This procedure had also been implemented during the occupation by minors isolated from one of the places in the city of Paris, the House of Metallos, in the XIe Arrondissement, between April and July 2024. The young people had been relocated to gymnasiums.