The Italian Quayola for the new mapping on the facade of the Batllò house in Barcelona

A few days left to one of the most awaited events in Barcelona. Art lovers and not, in fact, will go to Home To attend the mapping which is projected on the front facade from 4 editions. And this year it bears the signature of an Italian artist.

Casa Batlló and its iconic mapping: for the 2025 edition it is signed by Quayola

It is Davide QuayolaRomano, 43 years old, who already boasts renowned and important creations, how his new work of art will be, entitled Arborescent. Great admirer of Gaudí, the artist wanted to pay homage to nature, from which he draws constant inspiration for his works.

And project it on what is recognized as the symbol of modernismarchitecture and world design, such as theiconic work of the architect Antoni Gaudíallows him to connect with the natural universe, loved and enhanced by one of the most innovative masters of the twentieth century.

The mapping will be projected free of charge on the days of 1 and 2 February on the facade of the Batlló house. With an average duration of 12 minutes, ArboreScent will be interspersed every 30 minutes, starting from 19:45 until 22:45 on both days. Appointment to be scored absolutely on the agenda by those who, in those days, will be lucky enough to find themselves in the Spanish capital and attend one of the most extraordinary audiovisual shows in the world.

Also because Casa Batlló, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005, awarded as “Best International Exhibition of the Year 2022” by the Museums+Heritage Awards, in addition to the many awards received, It is in the top 5 of the places to visit in Barcelona. And the event increases the prestige of this masterpiece made by Gaudí in one of his most florid periods (1904-1906).

Videomapping on the Batlló house: the expected appointment in Barcelona

Now in its fourth edition, the videomapping event has become a point of reference in the cultural calendar of Barcelona, ​​thanks to the axle of interdisciplinary artists who have reinterpreted the facade of the Batlló house every year. In previous editions, the honor of collaborating with the iconic monument is up to Refik Anadol e Sofia Crespo.

In addition to the mapping projected on the facade, on the same days of the event, exhibitions set up with their works are set up inside the Batlló house, with particular amazement for the exhibition in the suggestive 360 ​​° Gaudí Cube room.

The initiative of this edition is part of the artistic program The Heritage of Tomorrowdrawn up with the aim of bringing Gaudí’s legacy into the future.

A mix of Catalan modernism and expressionist architecture gives body to such a memorable palace, in perfect harmony with the creative universe of Gaudí. And today some of the most innovative voices of contemporary art have the possibility of establishing a dialogue with Gaudí and paying for its unlimited creativity, building a link between past and future that speaks of continuity, innovation and beauty.

With this initiative, the city of Barcelona becomes the spokesman for a universal message written by Gaudí and handed down to the whole world, intended for eternity.

The expectations of the new mapping signed by the renowned Italian artist Quayola are very high, given that in the last edition more than 95,000 people found themselves in front of the building to attend the show.

Arborescent: Mapping who pays homage to nature

Quayola’s mapping is a heartfelt tribute to nature, which imitates its natural behaviors and dynamics. Its new work is inspired, in fact, to the botanical world, which allows the facade of the Batlló house to come to life with branches that reveal the impressive geometry of nature.

A work full of pictorial expressiveness in which the arboreal formations merge with the architectural elements of the palace, “painting the facade with shades and shades, creating a suspended and contemplative hybrid space“, As the artist himself said.

The projection will be enriched with the presence of an original soundtrack composed of Quayola and which will create a musical effect that “accompanies the movement and growth of plants along the architecture. Each branch oscillates to the wind and becomes a new subject of contemplation”.

By Editor

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