Real Madrid falls for despair in Monaco

Real Madrid has lost this Friday for 77-73 during its visit to As Monaco, with prominent role for the good and for the bad of the Alero Croatian Mario Hezonja, in the middle of the day 24 of the regular season of the Euroleague, where the meringues have cut in this way your progression.

In the Gaston-Médecin Salle, the locals opened their account by triple Nick Calathes, also inspired by the passes. With that and the defense, the Monaco got ahead in the first quarter until closing it in 20-13 in his favor, after two free and Matthew Strazel free throws.

Strazel himself promoted with one triple another stretch of the Monaco, which was 32-19 upside down the second quarter. But then they entered Liza Sergio Llull and especially Mario Hezonja, who sneaked two vital triples to reengrate Real Madrid to a match that was complicated.

They also highlighted the irruption of the Canterano Alerano Hugo González and the debut as a Madrid player of the Angoleño pivot Bruno Fernando. Together with the Dominican base Andrés Feliz, the depth of the visiting bench had covered the gap and had forged a great partial in attack.

To seal it, a ‘tangerine’ of Llull signed that comeback (36-37) with a 3+1, without the need for baskets from other important men such as Facundo Campazzo and Dzanan Musa, this one to zero to rest. Similarly, that Georgios Papagiannis and Alpha Diallo would have been charged with fouls, with three each, he had benefited a more lively Real Madrid.

Despite returning to costumes with a favorable 36-39, Chus Matthew pupils suffered that Petro Cornelie woke up in offensive tasks. He and Mam Jaiteh turned the score again (54-47) with the help of Terry Tarpey, to which Hezonja responded with a triple corner and with certain luck after having bounced in hoop and board until he falls inside.

The newly signed Fernando gave Walter Tavares rest, but the batteries began to exhaust a Real Madrid where Hezonja was the main reference, because Campazzo dragged several fouls from the first half and Hugo González also had that problem in his credit.

To top it off, Donatas Motiejunas had improved benefits with respect to the two previous periods, signing a good third act while Mike James, a regular Monegasca weapon, remained discreet for the hoop. With 59-56 that third quarter was settled, giving way to a last thick and bronco in its initial minutes, which also desperate Hezonja.

At 6:43 to conclude the duel, and with 65-60 in the pavilion’s electronic, the Croatian eaves angeredly protested the German referee Anne Panther and taught him one of his slightly bloody hands, asking for greater sanctions for which- His judgment- was a too hard defense of the Monaco to avoid rival reactions.

Jaron Blossomgame applauded Hezonja’s action, who went to his bench after being sanctioned with a technical foul. But the Dubrovnik player engaged in the distance with Vassilis Spanoulis, coach of the local team, and was expelled from the match because of a second technical foul that whistled immediately.

Having been seized by some colleagues, the image of Hezonja full of anger and throwing expletives, on the way to the costumes, was the exemplification of the crooked afternoon for Real Madrid. Between Strazel, Calathes and James, the Principality team took advantages of 10 points (73-63, 75-65) to face the final three minutes.

In that outcome there was insistence of Llull and then a possible unsportsmanlike fault of ‘Edy’ Tavares, corrected by the arbitration trio in personal lack, thus increasing a tension that almost exasperates Real Madrid. He kept alive thanks to the first points of Musa, a triple of Campazzo and several free throws failed by his opponent.

In fact, with 25.8 for spending on the clock, Campazzo placed 75-72 with that basket from the perimeter. James left another free kick, followed by a Raudo attack and where Llull took out pulling three. 20.1 were to be consumed, but Mahón’s base scored only a free kick of his (76-73), although everything was not finished.

Alpha diallo, object of misinterpretation, also failed one of his two free throws and with 77-73 there were still scarce seconds to work a miracle. However, Llull lost the ball in the next attack and Blossomgame happened to him the same thing, draining the time of the stopwatch and harming those of Chus Matthew, visibly angry.

This defeat in Monegasco soil left Real Madrid with a balance of 13-11, settled in the ‘play-in’ area, but on a train with many occupants. For its part, the Monaco reached thanks to this result a record of 15-9, being the provisional tenant of third place.

Data Sheet.

-RESULT: AS MONACO, 77-Real Madrid, 73 (36-39, at rest).


As Monaco: Calathes (12), James (9), DIALLO (10), Papagiannis (4) Y Cornelie (7)–Quinteto inicial–; Strazel (13), blossomgame (4), motiejunas (7), jaiteh (6) y tarpy (5).

Real Madrid: Campazzo (8), Abalde (5), Musa (2), Ndiaye (-) and Tavares (10)-Initial Quintet-; Hezonja (15), Fernando (4), Llull (12), Happy (11) and González (6).

-PARCIAL: 20-13, 16-26, 23-17 and 18-17.

–Arbitros: Lottermoser, Pastusiak and Panther. They expelled by personal faults and by two technical offenses to Hezonja in Real Madrid.

–Pabellón: Gaston-Médecin room.

By Editor

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