Frankfurt exhibition celebrates Walter Moers

A map of the continent Zamonia makes it clear at the entrance of the Caricatura Museum in Frankfurt am Main that visitors enter a foreign world. Their landscapes are called “sweet desert”, “frequent water” and “blood chink”.

The draftsman and writer Walter Moers did not use residents either: The bizarre and detailed ink drawings show fantastic beings such as the three-eyed shoe, the tunnel troll, the leaf wolf, one or several-eyed extraterrestrials. “The strange art of Walter Moers” is called Exhibition that the museum shows from February 1 to June 15th.

“Moers is one of the greatest artists in comic art,” says the head of the Caricatura Museum, Martin Sonntag. “Whether Captain n Blaubär’s lies, the deeply black humor of the little asshole or the fantastic continent Zamon”There is a lot to discover in the Walter Moers cosmos.”

The booklings: an illustration from “The City of Dreaming Books” from 2004.

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The exhibition shows more than 600 drawings, comics and figures, including numerous original illustrations and unpublished sketches, explains curator Stefanie Rohde. Short animated films and selected Moers figures from the hand of the sculptor Carsten Sommer complement the exhibition.

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The Lindwurm “Hildegunst von Mythenmetz” imagines, surrounded by mythical creatures as if from a dark Gothic-Novel. Lindwurm Hildegunst, narrator in Zamonia novels, can also be admired as a three-dimensional synthetic resin model.

Disrespectful, blasphemy, sexist

Books play an important role in Walter Moers’ fantasized: in the black and white and colored illustrations of the graphic novel “The City of Dreaming Books”, drawn with the illustrator Florian Biege, Hausen lizards and creepy creatures. In “The Castle of Dreaming Books”, one -eyed frog creatures are surrounded by books, these drawings have so far been unpublished.

A second focus of the exhibition is the comics of Walter Moers, including a selection of his publications in Satiremagazin Titanic. The figures of the hand -colored ink drawings with speech bubbles all carry the typical tuber nose. The stories like “It is an asshole”, “the old sack and the art” or “Adolf, the Nazisau” come disrespectful, blasphemy, sexist.

The tuber nose male made it into almost every conceivable role, for example as a “cave drawing” (“charcoal on rock, approx. 40,000 BC”), as “the colossus of Rhodes” with gyros-pita referee, as “the saint Vladimir, Russian icon ”or as an Indian“ Siva Nataraja ”with six arms.

Captain n Blaubär is one of the most famous characters from Moers, here a drawing from 1999.

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“Moers is the biggest parodist we have,” explains his long -time publisher and consultant Wolfgang Ferchl. The artist, born in Mönchengladbach in 1957 and lived in Hamburg, was reserved and funny; An author, the text and drawing always together.

While Moers in his comics are very reduced and precisely drawing and formulating, he writes and illustrates his novels all the more detailed and detailed. His humor is anarchic and sometimes dark. “Moers has a fundamentally humorous relationship with the world and makes strange art out of it,” concludes Ferchl.

The Caricatura Frankfurt took over the exhibition from the Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen and adapted to its own house. In return, the Ludwiggalerie took over the Loriot exhibition of the Caricatura Museum.

The Moers show at the comic salon Erlangen will then be shown. The show in Frankfurt is complemented by a selection of original etchings and objects by the American author and artist Edward Gorey. On the occasion of the 100th birthday of his model, Walter Moers published the book “Edward Gorey – Grand Master of the Curiosis” last year.

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