Kaspersky: Hackers use Roblox for cyber attacks. Victims are unfortunately the most common children

The Kaspersky, which is inquired for cyber security, was published by the Safer Internet, that it was only in 2024. year revealed more than 1.6 million attempts of cyber attacks disguised in files related to one of the most popular Gaming platforms Roblox, writes Newswit.

Roblox has become a kind of digital playground where millions of children are also connected every month by research digital worlds. Content that is generated by users on platform & ccaron.

– Buddle & cacona and the CCARON and actively traparon.

– The huge popularity that Roblox in & Zcaron; in children, turned the platform into the hunting ground for hackers that hide behind malware for free playing – warns Kaspersky.

During 2024, Kaspersky registered 1,612,921 attacks related to Roblox, and the highest number of attacks were noted in August – 179,286, then in September – 160,116 and October – 151,638.

One of the most & cacute; they are fraud is an offer to get currency in the game.

– In one of the detected frauds, the users are traced to his ID or useful & Ccaron and select & Zcaron; Android, IOS, Windows, PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo, create & Cacute; They explained from Kaspersky.

Kaspersky explained that the modus operandi hacker is to display recent transactions of alleged play & ccaron; and which hackers represent as real people. When playing & cacaron; Continue with a transaction from it to trailer; and to meet various surveys that offer iPhone or PlayStation.

– to get a prize, play & Ccaron; He has to pay the delivery, and when he makes a payment, & Zcaron is losing money and does not receive a reward – Kaspersky warned.

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