The NHL lives the golden age of attack. Star players are forgotten by the fierce points. The defenders are already so offensive that they no longer want to find high -quality defenders.
The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.
NHL’s play and tactics have changed, which has increased the number of goals.
Power gaming has evolved and superstars play more minutes.
Rule changes and equipment development have increased the threat of attack.
The professionalism of the players and the utilization of statistics have improved performance.
Tampa bay Russianist Nikita Kutšerov Won the NHL points exchange last season by forging 144 (44+100) power points.
The balance is amazing – and the Russian was not even in his own class. As many as nine players would puncture a 100 -point limit last season. In the 2014-2015 season Jamie Benn won the entire series with 87 points.
The difference is huge.
At the same time, the series of goals in the series have risen with the personal score of the players.
What has happened?
The reasons for these two changes go hand in hand. They can be roughly divided into six main themes: changing gambling and tactics, rules changes, decline in violence, equipment development, more professional training and data breakthrough.
First And by far the biggest change has taken place in game methods and tactics. Now, there is no talk of lines and traps, but about, for example, scaring and the development of overpowering to a whole new level.
Many attackers hanging at the top of the point exchange today are working on wild minutes from one evening to another. A couple of weeks ago, this was a great example of this while still representing Colorado Mikko Rantanen mixed Nathan MacKinnon They twisted Chicago against Blackhawks in the rink for more than 27 minutes. Such minutes have not previously been seen from attackers, at least in the regular season matches.
Edmonton Oilerskin has been known for years for superstars Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid They play as much as they can, and other attackers go to the ice to fix them.
The NHL has become a superstars series. Individualism is booming in a sport that was, for years, a team game. The more the stars are on the ice, the more they make points.
“There has always been a lot of scares, but now they are being loaded completely without being,” an expert Raimo Summanen says.
By overwhelming, superstars may not even sometimes pull oxygen. They rushed for a minute and a half or even the whole superiority. The men of the second mole are getting on the ice as ice cream.
The result will come. Today, superiority is clearly more dangerous than before. The development of overpowering is one of the biggest, if not the main reason for both the rise in paint and the increased personal score of players.
The 1-3-1 over-power pattern played on four strikers revolutionized the forced game and made it more effective as players’ shots often start directly from the cross-field passes, rather close to the paint.
Increasing overpowering efficiency is reflected in statistics. In the 2013-2014 season, the NHL’s average overwhelming rate was 17.89, compared with 21.31 last season. Ten years ago, 20 % of the overwhelming power was already excellent, now top teams are already playing 30 % overwhelming.
NHL’s superiority rates
Average of the series:
2023–2024 20,98%
2022–2023 21,31%
2021–2022 20,61%
2020–2021 19,78%
2019–2020 20,03%
2018–2019 19,78%
2017–2018 20,18%
2016–2017 19,10%
2015–2016 18,66%
2014–2015 18,66%
2013–2014 17,89%
NHL:n There have been big changes in the game methods. As a result, the number of goals has risen.
Today, teams are trying to build their offensive game more boldly from their area. The defenders not only are content to pull the puck through the plex to the middle area as in the old model.
Player types have changed. The roles are mixed. Defenders are increasingly involved in the attack. Previously, three lanes were attacked, but nowadays we are talking about four lanes, which means that the defender is counted as a fourth attacker in direct attacks.
Cale Makarin and Quinn Hughesin The like attacking defenders in the forefront have taken over the NHL. The 100 -point alarm is starting to be commonplace for the best defenders.
“Attacking defenders are in a really loud cry at the moment. It generates offensive game and goals, ”Summanen says.
In the newly ended youth World Championships, it was possible to see that similar types of players are coming to the NHL. Of defenders in Sweden Axel Sandin Pellika Yes USA: N Cole Hutson Dominate events specifically at the offensive end.
The change of player types has gone so far that NHL club talent searchers and player agents are starting to have trouble finding well-defending young players, be it attackers or defenders. We have begun to talk about the ‘Youtube generation’, which even appreciates skill and attack even too much.
“Hockey tactical development is constantly looking for balance between attacking and defending. Now the attack is on the neck, ”Summanen says.
The attacking game of the attack area is also more advanced in today’s NHL than before. The best players can already use the entire offensive area skillfully and create overwhelming situations, for example, near the attack line. From there, the players will then be able to attack the goal.
Although even less shots are seen in matches than before, they leave better places. Splashing is a history, and puck management is now pop.
When you no longer get hooks and tied, the spinning area is longer.
NHL:n Game and player types have changed partly due to rules changes. In 2012, the NHL decided to reduce the middle area, while increasing the offensive and defense areas. The intention was that teams would create more offensive threats – and that’s exactly what happened.
“The effects of the rules changes are really only reflected in delay. It has been ten years since it has been increased for the attack area, but that’s how the next generation players can take the most of the changes, ”Summanen points out.
Makarians, MacKinnons, McDavides and partners are really skilled at utilizing the entire offensive area and staying in the reel due to their soaring skating and disc management skills. Even running overpowering is easier in a large attack area than in a smaller space.
“When you can no longer get hooks and tied, the spin in the attack area is longer,” Summanen says.
Summanen refers to the change in the NHL’s rule interpretations. In the 1990s and early 2000s, the club jungle was overcome, but a significant change also took place for the 2017-2018 season. Then the judges were told to focus on eliminating the sweat.
This has affected the number of goals in two ways. Initially, there were more ice rinks when the players did not yet adopt a new interpretation. As the players got used to the rule change, using the club to slow down the attacking opponent decreased. It has opened up more space for speed and skill.
“Sometimes it seems that basketball has more contact situations than hockey. Teams are so careful about the ice, ”Summanen wonders.
Equipment Even development has increased the number of goals. In social media spread this season with a handsome picture of how so much Patrik Laine The racket bends as he flashes the puck. Today’s rackets are quite spring guns, and the best shooters can use them in an amazing way.
The shots start with new technology clubs directly from feeding so hard and accurately that goalkeepers are almost in the face of an almost impossible task. This is emphasized by superiority.
At the same time, the goalkeepers’ work was made more difficult. First, mattresses, flippers and shields were reduced. Before 2018, the NHL decided that the gatekeeper breast armor must also be more fit and smaller than before. Of course, it is easy to determine what happens to the number of paints when the goalkeeper equipment is reduced.
Sometimes it seems that basketball has more contact situations than hockey.
According to Summanen, the decline in violence in the rink has also increased the number of goals.
“Nowadays, players dare to hold the puck until the last, because they know that they are hardly crazy. It gives you a little more time to consider different solutions, ”says Summanen.
“In the NHL, solutions had to be made faster than today because the opponent tried to hurt. The self -protection instinct came into the game. ”
From the NHL has evolved into a series of top -notch professionals. While for another ten years back, at least some of the players could be bumping in the evenings with beer, now everything is done on the terms of recovery and performance.
“The best players have their own masseurs, physics and nutrition coaches. It’s even a freak, ”Summanen says.
“Players’ concentration is improved when the recovery is carefully treated. Making paints requires precision and fine motor. ”
Performance optimization allows top players to play big minutes.
Today’s players develop themselves more determined than previous generations. They hire skill coaches for help, for example, to develop skating or shots at a young age. Agent agencies also have their own skill coaches who push the players forward.
“In the past, it was a bit thought that at the age of 23-24, players have already gained skills in their toolbox, but now players are developing their skills throughout his career,” Summanen explains.
The utilization of statistics has grown to a whole new proportions compared to the past years, which is likely to have influenced the increase in paint volumes. Data provides help, for example, in planning offensive and offensive attack play. Players use it to support it to optimize training, recovery, and even find just the right club for themselves using data. Scouting of opponents’ goalkeepers is also systematic.
Bridge At the moment, the NHL lives the golden age of offensive play and goal. NHL hoped for more entertainment after the “dead reel era”, and it has now been received. It may be that the priorities change at some point.
Are you already making too much goals? Are special situations in a too big role? These questions sometimes come up. The pace in the rink has grown so wild that even more hockey safety has begun to be questioned. At some point, the coaches begin to invest in defense, and this area is up to the attack.
After that, we will consider how to make hockey more entertaining. This is how the cycle works.
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