Milk, nuts, bananas rich in magnesium, providing energy, beneficial for bones and hearts, help children sleep well.
Magnesium participates in more than 600 reactions in the body, including energy production, generating and repairing gene, managing the nervous system … all organs in the body need magnesium to work, especially the heart , muscles, kidneys. This mineral helps maintain bone and teeth health. They work by activating Vitamin D, then supporting calcium adjustment to affect the growth and maintenance of strong bones.
Supplementing magnesium contributes to reducing anxiety, relaxing natural muscles that play an important role in increasing the level of Melatonin hormone, from which children sleep better. The recommended amount of magnesium per day for children 0-6 months is 30 mg, 7-12 months about 75 mg, 1-3 years old need 80 mg, 9-13 years old is 240 mg. This figure in men 14-18 years old is 410 mg, women are 360 mg per day.
Melatonin, Tryptophan and magnesium are all found in cow’s milk. This is why drinking a cup or a bottle of milk helps the body relax. Parents add milk to their favorite sugar grains or give them warm milk for about 30 minutes before going to bed.
Yogurt, cheese
These foods are made from milk, so they bring similar benefits. Combine yogurt with berries, granola or cheese with apple slices, crispy biscuits to have a more balanced snack in the evening for the baby.
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
These small crispy nuts provide many nutrients such as magnesium, Tryptophan supports the optimal development of the body, the brain, and promote sleep. Children eat pumpkin seeds and sunflowers also support increased melatonin production. This dish is also rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, contributing to protecting cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. They keep blood vessels operating smoothly, improving blood flow.
Eggs with avocado
Eggs are rich in tryptophan, and magnesium is found in avocado. Combining them with a piece of toast becomes a healthy meal for children. This dish supports melatonin release, good for your baby’s sleep.
Whole grain toast, peanut butter, bananas
Whole bread and banana rich in magnesium, while peanut butter provides tryptophan. Children eat this dish with a glass of milk to support sleep, relax mentally. Parents try to mix whole grains with raisins, sliced, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews for children to eat. These foods combine to provide additional tryptophan, magnesium.
Additional magnesium can help reduce cortisol hormone causing stress. This important mineral increases the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is known to have the effect of soothing the spirit.