The government admits "insufficient what has been done so far in the land of fires"

On the Land of fires in Campania “For about ten years now, a plurality of actions have been put in place that have tried to achieve the objectives of Environmental recovery and health protection of citizens “. These actions” have seen the synergistic involvement of all institutional levels “which,” with a great sense of responsibility, have tried to bring relief to one earthquake“.


But “objectively what has been done It is not enough, And it is evident that a further momentum must be given to the renovation actions more quickly as the sentence of the European Court also reminds us. ” Gilberto Pichetto Fratin In the hearing in the Ecomafie Commission on the dossier of the land of fires.


“As you know, among the reasons why the Court condemned Italy for violation of article 2 of the Convention (right to life), there is the failure to promptly in the adoption of decisive measures before the adoption of the decree-law 136 of 2013, considered as the first response on a national scale to the phenomenon of pollution of the territory of the “Land of fires” “ The minister who added “only with this tool said, the Court underlined, the Italian authorities began to speak” for the first time “of mapping to detect the presence of explicitly contaminants tied to the exhaust illegal, the intervention and incineration of waste, Although limited to agricultural land, “although the authorities were aware of all the significant aspects of the problem for almost two decades”.


Legislative Decree 136/2013 governed the performance of Technical investigations for the mapping of the region’s land Campania intended for agriculture, in order to ascertain the possible existence of contaminating effects due to spills and abusive disposal by combustion.


This activity is preparatory to the subsequent indication of the land Which cannot be intended for agri -food production, but exclusively to different crops, or only to particular agri -food productions.

For the performance of aforementioned activities, with the interministerial directive of 23 December 2013, at the Ministry of Agricultural Policies a special working group, coordinated by the Pro-Tempore Commander of the Cufa, and composed of representatives of the Campania and Ispra region, AGEA(Agency for the disbursements in agriculture), CREA (Council for the research and analysis of the agricultural economy (Crea) and ISS .


The use of the large chamber is evaluated

“The reliefs moved by the sentence” of the ECHR on the land of the fires “with respect to which an assessment with the lawyer of the State about the proposal of a use of the large chamberand the timing proposed, impose an immediate action by all the institutions involved “.


“The actions that the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety will put in the coming months – he added – will be based on a marked one spirit of institutional collaboration, Without prejudice to the specific skills of each institutional actor. My offices are attacked so that the performance of the functions transferred from 2018 to the coordination and monitoring of environmental emergency interventions is guaranteed also in order to identify further actions and prevention interventions of the environmental damage and environmental offense in the land, in the waterfall And in the wells of the Campania region “.

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