Seppo Jokinen’s new book will only be on sale in the S Group stores-Koskinen decks will also be written by other writers

The Jokinen Dekkar Series will be released in May 30th. In addition, three other writers are preparing books on the subject of the series but independent books.

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Seppo Jokinen’s Dekkari Series will reach 30th in May.

The new book The Last Torsion will be on sale exclusively for S-markets and prisms.

The publisher Kultosaari was founded for Jokinen’s books in 2023.

Three other writers are preparing independent Koskinen books.

Writer Seppo Jokinen a new joke Last torque will be on sale exclusively for S-markets and prisms. This is the 30th part of the Jokinen Criminal Commissioner Sakari Kosk.

In terms of market sales, Seppo Jokinen follows the author Kari Hotakainen footprints, for the book of Hotakainen Pearl came in late summer 2024 for sale exclusive To the stores of the K-Group and published with the K-Group with a Pirkka logo.

The book was published by the Siltala publishing house and cost around € 27. River Last torque It will come to the S Group stores in May for a price of about seven euros.

River Since 2023, the Finnish publishing house has been a Kultosaari, which was founded only for his books. Its CEO is the former chairman of the Jokinen previous publisher Crime Time Cooperative Jouni Tervo. At the same time, Jokinen sold the translation rights to the Swedish audiobook company Storytel, which publishes the entire Koskinen series in 1996 through his Storytime publisher.

Jouni Tervo says in a telephone interview that the new book’s exclusive agreement with the S Group will continue Seppo Jokinen’s previous collaborative patterns with SOK.

“We have had sales racks for Jokinen’s books in Prisms and Big S-Markets. This was started to deepen, ”says Tervo.

According to him, the publishing house was closely followed by Hotak and K-Group discussion last fall.

“In the way this is different from the fact that this is not a Rainbow or Coop book, but Kultosaari’s book in the same way as previous books in the series,” Tervo says, referring to the Hotakainen’s book Pirkka logo.

When choosing As an exclusive right of grocery central dealership, the publisher will deliberately omit the book from traditional bookstores.

“Everything has its downside. There are small bookstores for which sales of certain books are important. But as a publisher, of course, my job is not to guarantee the success of individual bookstores or chains, but to ensure the success of the author, ”says Tervo.

The goal is to distribute as much as possible when the book is available in the Prisma online store in addition to grocery stores.

“There is also a thing around this book. We strive to lower the threshold to get this book, ”says Tervo.

In the press release Last torque It is said to culminate in the Jokinen Jokinen Jokkar series, and its events are reported to describe the last summer of the protagonist Sakari Koskinen in the police forces.

However, publisher Jouni Tervo does not say that this is the last work of the series.

“It has certain summary features. The author himself has left it open – it may be the last, but not necessarily. As a publisher, I am not aware of it, but it has not been officially decided that it would end. It has been done by book at a time. ”

Already a Kultosaari publisher When founded, Jouni Tervo found it possible that the story environment built around Koskinen could continue as written by non -Seppo Jokinen. Now he says that Koskinen books are already under development.

“New books are being made for the best time. They will begin to appear in the next few years. They are independent parts and Seppo is not dealing with them. He has given their writers free hands. ”

Three books are underway with a degree of sketch or manuscript, says Tervo.

“The intention is that the first ones will come in 2026. They will come to Storytel as audiobooks, and there is no decision yet to make print books.”

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