Abstain from having sex, avoiding heavy work, limiting stress, not using stimulants, not bathing too hot water helps increase the rate of conception.

MSc Tran Ngoc Van Anh, Department of Reproductive Support, Tam Anh General Hospital – District 8, said that the period of 11-13 days after the embryo transfer is the most important stage for infertile couples . During this time, besides the notes about the diet, reasonable rest, women also need to know the activities should not be done to limit the effect of embryo transfer results.

Abstain from sex: To reduce the risk of uterine spasms affecting the nesting embryo, the couple should abstain from sex. Women also need to avoid deep douching inside the vagina, strongly impacting the pelvic abdomen until the pregnancy test. Typically, the couple can have sex again after 10-14 days of embryo transfer. But to ensure the best processing and development process, women should consult a doctor to choose the right time.

Avoid hard work, exertion: Minimize the physical activity after embryo transfer such as jogging, carrying heavy objects, causing excessive fatigue, risk of falling or injury, adversely affecting the embryo process of nesting in the uterus.

Limit stress: Many women after moving embryos are often worried and stressed, which can affect endocrine balance, leading to instability in the lining of the uterus and hinder the embryo. Getting enough sleep and improving the quality of sleep, practicing deep breathing exercises, walking, listening to music … are useful measures to help control stress.

Do not bathe with high temperatures: Exposure to high temperatures after embryo transfer is said to have a negative impact on the process of nesting and development of the workpiece. Women should avoid letting the body come into contact with too high temperatures, do not bathe with too hot water, sauna …


Doctor Van Anh advised the following embryos to transfer to the patient. Image: Minh Thao

Do not use alcohol, stimulants Because not only reduces fertility but also increases the risk of pregnancy complications and birth defects in the fetus. Therefore, before, during and after the embryo transfer, women need to abstain from alcohol, no smoking and stimulants to avoid affecting the results of pregnancy as well as ensuring safety for both mother and baby during pregnancy.

No pregnancy test too soon: After transferring the embryo, many women due to the expected results of pregnancy tests right from the 4th or 5th day. . Only when the embryo escapes the membrane and attaches deep into the endometrium to nest, the HCG hormone is secreted. Based on the concentration of Beta HCG in the blood of women, can confirm the successful conception. The results of the Beta HCG test after transferring the embryo positive means being pregnant. In contrast, the negative Beta Beta results show that the embryo transfer is unsuccessful.

In fact, it takes about 11-13 days after the transfer of the embryo so that the amount of HCG in the blood reaches the level that can be detected accurately through the test. Early pregnancy tests can lead to inaccurate results due to the effects of medications that support treatment. Therefore, women should talk directly to the treating doctor for the most accurate pregnancy test.

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